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LibGDX 3DSphere is changing shape while moving on the screen with mouse

I have created a sphere using Texture by calling createSphere() method on modelBuilder using libGDX. As it is 3D, I used Perspective Camera. I am trying to move the sphere on the screen with the mouse....
Praveen Nalluri's user avatar
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Convert Screen co-ordinates to Prspective camera co-ordinates in libgdx?

I am developing 3d game using libgdx .i have to move my model on touchdrag() . how can i convert my touch co-ordinates to perspective camera co-ordinates.
Avinash kumar's user avatar
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LibGDX 3D Camera spasm when player looks directly up or down

My circumstance I am making a 3D LibGDX game. I am using a custom camera controller, based off of the one over here. It takes out the use of delta Y, when determining where to move the player, so ...
Fishy's user avatar
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LibGDX - perspective camera smooth translation & direction

I am trying to implement smooth 3D camera in my game. So, I have a few reserved positions and directions and I want to change view of my camera by applying them to my camera. Now I am doing it like ...
Nolesh's user avatar
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Orthographic projection of 3D shape libgdx

I'm implementing this simple tutorial but trying to substitute the perspective camera with an orthographic one. However, I've some problems in understanding ...
lorenzolightsgdwarf's user avatar
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3d perspective looks unnatural in libgdx

when I render my 3d model using the PerspectiveCamera, the perspective looks unnatural. The side of the model facing the camera is shown much largeer then the opposite side. How can I adjust it? ...
tobi's user avatar
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Finding A World Space Vector Using Unproject

I'm experimenting with LibGDX and 3D in a projection view. Right now I'm looking at how to determine the outermost bounds of my viewport in world space at z=0.0, in order to draw coordinate grid no ...
Doug Powers's user avatar
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3D PerspectiveCamera Rendering Depth libgdx OpenGL ES 2.0

I seem to be having a problem getting libgdx to render things correctly. I render 2 colored triangles using the vertices: Triangle 1(blue): (-1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), (1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), (0.0f, 1.0f, -1....
Jay's user avatar
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LibGDX - Perspective camera using OpenGL ES 2.0

I haven't found any example which uses perspective camera in LibGDX(OpenGL ES 2.0). How to initiate it and use it in render method? Any help will be appreciated!
Nolesh's user avatar
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