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Nginx can not use 80 and 443 ports, used by httpd [closed]

I am trying to get my nginx inside a docker container to listen ports 80 and 443 but can not start it because ports are occupied by httpd. I need this configuration to work like a reverse proxy for ...
Lestra's user avatar
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Trying to whitelist `DOCKER-USER` ports but it blocks containers from resolving DNS

I have some containers that are bound to the host but I don't want them to be exposed to internet except HTTP ones. So I do: sudo iptables -F DOCKER-USER sudo iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i ens3 -p tcp -m ...
Thomas Ramé's user avatar
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docker container is running in os not accessible in browser

my simple docker container is running(i have run docker run -d -p 8080:80 -d nginx:stable-alpine3.20-perl) root@manual:~# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND ...
Satya Asrith's user avatar
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Universal Messaging port change post installation

I am trying to change the default port of Universal messaging, which is 9000 at a moment to something else, coz port 9000 in my system is being occupied by some other process. Please let me know if ...
Ayushman Bokde's user avatar
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Provision certificates fails in Graylog preflight UI

I installed Graylog DataNode following these instructions: I ...
René Heuven's user avatar
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Communicating with PC Coms Ports From Web App [duplicate]

I have previously written apps communicating with devices via the Serial Ports but these were Windows Forms and they worked well. I am now being told that I have to build an app to control a device ...
Iain's user avatar
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Rejected ports within `DOCKER-USER` are still visible from nmap as "filtered"

by default Docker will adjust iptables according to containers bound to the host... but in my case I don't want to have all exposed to internet. What I'm doing is modifying the chain DOCKER-USER so it ...
Thomas Ramé's user avatar
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How to config express app to run on port XXXX in NX

Project Overview admin and client are react apps generated by npx nx generate @nx/react:application for the api npx nx @nx/node:application In the context of react, updating the project.json did ...
Dumindu Jayasekara's user avatar
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How to disconnect from socket after connecting using socket.socket.connect_ex?

I was following the instructions from this answer on how to check network ports in python: for posterity I'll just repost it import socket sock = socket....
notacorn's user avatar
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I can't make connections to a system that works with Raspberry Pi

The image of the system I'm talking about Something that I have almost no knowledge of because it's my first job in this kind of thing, and here's what they want me to do. this is a device that works ...
nipfey's user avatar
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Spring Boot Application on Tomcat 11 Returns 404 on Valid Endpoint

I am trying to deploy a Spring Boot Application on Tomcat11, but I am getting a 404 error when sending requests to valid endpoint. I am using Java 21, Spring Boot 3.3.0 on Tomcat 11 with port 8082. My ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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how to load balance 3 ports on localhost in nginx?

I have 3 ports loading different content and I want to load balance them from port 8080. I am new to nginx and I feel like there is something fundamental I'm not understanding here when it comes to ...
Khadijah Celestine's user avatar
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how to explicitly specialize a final class inside a template class [duplicate]

my template final class depends on a input type parameter of parent class. template<typename T> struct EnumRangeSizeImpl; template<typename F,F F_min,F F_max> ...
Shen Xiaolong's user avatar
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Nginx overwrites desired port when using proxy_pass on a subdirectory to direct request to node server

I have the following nginx config: server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; ssl on; ssl_certificate /home/tom/; ssl_certificate_key /home/tom/local....
Tom Rhodes's user avatar
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Node.js Application Runs on All Domains, How to Restrict It to Only One Domain

I am running a Node.js application, and it is currently running on all domains on my server. However, I want it to run only on a specific domain. It should not be accessible from other domains. My ...
Musa Gökcan's user avatar

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