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The coming request query from postman is not in the form that mongoose accept it for the operators part

This is the URL in postman ([gte]=20) Thit is how I except to get it when I console log is ({difficulty: 'easy', duration: {gte:'5'}}) But this is ...
Ali Azouz's user avatar
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header: Format mismatch error while sending template message in WhatsaApp API using Postman

I am trying to solve the mystery of the code below. I wrote the code regarding the meta documentation for sending template messages. Everytime I try to send message I am getting an error message like ...
Teljo Antony's user avatar
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Trying to fetch values from a specific column in using GraphQL

I have a column name "XYZ" for which I need to fetch the values/data from all the groups on the board query { boards (ids: 12345) { items { id name column_values { ...
Raghu Hoskote's user avatar
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I am having a problem with signalR error: handshake was canceled

I was new to learning some video fundamental on how to manage Realtime information. I did exactly what the do but I getting {"error":"Handshake was canceled."}. I don't know what ...
Phan Duong's user avatar
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How to show in postman collections run results summary the name of the folders next to the name of the requests

I have a set of healtcheck requests defined in postman. For every project I have a folder of calls which I would like to perform every day. After I run collection I am able to see the summary where I ...
fascynacja's user avatar
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How to parse in Postman body response from XML format

Using POST request in Postmat I received a body response as XML data like this. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="
Nat S's user avatar
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Eventbrite API: Unable to Delete Event

I'm trying to delete an event using the Eventbrite API in Postman, following the steps provided in the documentation. However, when I send the request, instead of deleting the event, it simply ...
bxxb's user avatar
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Use output of each run in postman runner to create a csv to be used in a subsequent collection run for another endpoint

am using Runner in postman and trying to execute an endpoint multiple times ( POST ) The request body is like below : { "email": "{{email}}" } I am ...
boomslaw's user avatar
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User Registration Route Returning 404 in Node.js Football REST API with MongoDB at postman

I’ve built an Express.js application that successfully connects to MongoDB, as confirmed in the console. However, when trying to register a user via Postman, I'm receiving a 404 Not Found error. Here’...
Yarin Brooks's user avatar
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email and pin is not being stored in session

I'm trying to change the user pin after user forgotten his pin but after verifcation of reset code when use wants to enter new pin and confirm new the the data before set new pin like email and reset ...
Sajjad Jagi's user avatar
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microservice connecting to eureka server but no output in postman

i created a spring boot microservice file and created a eureka server and added a api-gateway everithing connected properly to eureka server but while calling the values in postman showing 404 error ...
Rio Romeo's user avatar
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HTTP request works in Postman but not in React Native app

I am working on a project that requires me to update a bunch of dependencies to comply with google play policies, and after updating the absolute fewest needed to run the app I am running into an ...
emil-98's user avatar
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Saving multiple IDs into globals

The response of the API I'm testing returns an array with multiple objects and I want to save one of those value into a global variable, I know how to do this for a single entry using: const jsonData =...
Jaime Junior's user avatar
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Run postman tests with files on pipeline in MS Azure

I would like to ask about the problem of running postman tests in pipeline on MS Azure auto deploy. In some of PM tests i need files in body. How would you solve this problem to include the files for ...
Tomáš Staroň's user avatar
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Google Books API giving responce with "totalItems": 0 (books/v1/volumes?q=...)

I tried accessing on Postman, Java Application, OAuth Playground, via browser and by APIs Explorer. OAuth Playground returns a normal response with a ...
Korol_ER's user avatar

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