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I want to create a dynamic route in react js using react-route-dom. Route will be /property-in-city/ where "city" will be dynamic

Here's a routes I have created so far. <BrowserRouter> <Routes> <Route path="/" exact element={<FrontPage />} /> <Route path="/property-in-:cityName/...
Vishal Ravanank's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Calculate the Routing Time in a ReactJS Application?

I need to calculate the time taken by the application to move from one route to another. I am using react-router-dom ,therefore when a route changes from one route to another first the history stack ...
Hari Prasath V's user avatar
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How to handle routing in a remote app (in React) while using it inside the host app (Angular)

I have an Angular application with title1 and button1, which when clicked, routes to '/hello' (handled by Angular router). I am rendering title2 and button2 which is in React. When I click on button2, ...
Aniruddha Joshi's user avatar
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React Routing in Navbar

I am new to react and am working on a React application with multiple pages using react-router-dom. Despite setting up the routes and navigation correctly, none of the components are rendering on the ...
K_Adeepa's user avatar
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React router V6: how to have two simultaneous and independent navigation outlets

I am building a website with a 2 parts (let's call them left and right) and on each part there is tabs. Something like this : What I would like to have is an URL like this : "https://mywebsite?...
pierre.b's user avatar
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I have a shopping app component that I only want to show on a particular page. Tried useLocation but the component has dynamic ids

I want to know how I can make my "page" variable in the below code dynamic, so I can properly compare it with the location.pathname variable which will have dynamic page ids. import { ...
Vishal Pallikonda's user avatar
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React router dom v6.26.1 changes url but not re-render the component

I'm having an issue with the page refresh after, when clicking on the button url gets changed in the browser but the page doesn't refresh the correct component, no browser error no terminal error, ...
sudo_code's user avatar
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Static Form Input Value Not allow to change input value entered by the user

I'm working on a React application where I'm navigating from a Task component to a PersonDetails component, and I'm encountering issues with updating and reflecting form data correctly. I am only ...
Anees Ur Rehman Mian's user avatar
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How to use multiple Outlet

I can't get the info if it is possible or not to have "multiple nested" Outlet in React with router dom. I have some protected routes created using createBrowserRouter: const router = ...
feub's user avatar
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React router errorElement navigating to previous page

I am using errorElement prop in the createBrowserRouter function from react-router-dom. I have only one errorElement in root - FallBackError component. When I get an error in one of the child routes ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Issue when loading framer-motion page through Router

I will explain my problem in a scenario I am using Framer motion with react for animation After creating react using vite, I created a component folder under src folder I created Motion.jsx file ...
A AMRITH GOLD's user avatar
-2 votes
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React-router-dom how do i direct /home and /login to /login if not logged in and /home otherwise? [duplicate]

import React from "react"; import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes, Navigate } from "react-router-dom"; import Register from "./components/Auth/Register"; import Login from ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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why components are not rendering,but path is changing? [duplicate]

I tried to wrap my button in Link tag with to="/path" propertie,and tried to replace Button tag with Link tag but components still doesn't renders. here all react component i use, i cant ...
Sargis Margaryan's user avatar
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React-router errorElement not catching errors on child routes (from within a function)

I am using React router dom version 6.25.1. My router is defined as const router = [ { element: <LayoutThatReturnsOutlet/>, loader: myLoader, errorElement: <ErrorElement />, ...
GoldCasket's user avatar
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route param comparison is undefined (react-router-dom v6)

I running circles with this one. Thanks in advance for all the help you could provide. The issue is whith the way of accessing a view for a single item in an array. The id param is passed in the ...
BattlePoap's user avatar

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