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IntelliJ Size of Text

I accidentally changed the text size to be too big and now I'm having trouble changing it back. Does anyone know a keyboard shortcut to undo it or make the text smaller? I managed to click on the ...
Sughashini Rajendra's user avatar
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How do I make text in Button take up a bigger part of it?

I'm trying to make a custom keyboard for an android app so I'm trying to make the text on the buttons as readable as possible. I want the text to be big on the button, but setting the textSize ...
user26370805's user avatar
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Does LineDataSet state gets altered by chart.setData(lineData) in MPAndroidChart?

I have a weird behavior happening to me, where I have a unique LineDataSet instance used across 2 different charts. This LineDataSet obtains its configuration BEFORE entering ANY one chart. Both ...
Delark's user avatar
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grid items expand in the "x axis" when text gets bigger

Here are photos of my Problem: I created a grid called gridbox, in there are severals items called "box0-8". Everytime I put a text in the box onclick, it ...
Sodatex 's user avatar
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Tkinter root.geometry overrides root.pack_propagate

Tkinter root.geometry overrides root.pack_propagate, so this causes window to not resize via child widgets. How can i create window with some geometry, which will be bigger than minsize, and which ...
MIku's user avatar
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ggplot and names: is it possible to have bold characters?

I'm trying to draw map. Is there a way to write the name of the cities in bold within the map? ( i've found only the way to choose the size ). This is my script right_join(prov2022, dataset, by = &...
io_boh's user avatar
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Get rid of default extra padding for Texts in Jetpack Compose?

I can't find a way for such a simple change: Texts in jetpack compose have a default padding on top and bottom like this: How can I remove that? I want the border of the Text Composable to be at the ...
user19095510's user avatar
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Excel ActiveX command button text changes size on each click

The problem is, as the title reads; every time the button is clicked, the font inside gets larger until only the upper-left part of the first character can be seen. The font size in the Properties ...
GTaylor's user avatar
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DatePickerDialog: how increase text size of year/month selector?

I know this is a subview and that's managed by internal view pager. So how can I set custom text size? This is my custom theme sample result Thanks.
marcostravigari's user avatar
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How do I change the text size / font in python

I've recently been trying to make a basic game, but I cant change the font size of individual words. I managed to do it in tkinter but it made a pop up window and was very clunky. Was wondering if ...
Clucks's user avatar
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Dissapearing sf::Text after transform applying

I'm trying to apply a transformation matrix to sf::Text class, and when I change its size, the sf::Text just disappears. I had the same problem with a sf::Sprite, but there I'd solved it by rewriting ...
golxzn's user avatar
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How can I make my mobile site text size appear the same size as my desktop site?

I need to use the same code for my mobile site as my desktop site (below). How can I enlarge my mobile site's text size so it looks the same as my desktop site? This is my header info and title: <!...
Lucian Green's user avatar
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How can I change Text size

def show_winner(): rn = randint(1,10) winner.setText(str(rn)) text.setText("Winner") #How can i give size to (text)
ツMr.Monchツ's user avatar
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Text doesn't have same size on different emulators

Emulator 1: Emulator 2 How can I keep the same text size on button on different emulator? I am using these lines of code to set a relative size that keeps the ratio, but when I run the program on 2 ...
STR Prod's user avatar
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How to change the size of the text in a Pie Chart in flutter?

I have a donut graphic but the texts are too small and I have not been able to make them bigger. it is a "PieChart" chart. I have my data segmented into A, B, C, D, E, F. I need to change ...
Aarón Lara's user avatar

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