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what is the difference between torch.stack([t1,t1,t1],dim=1) and torch.hstack([t1,t1,t1])?

Technically, both the methods torch.stack([t1,t1,t1],dim=1) and torch.hstack([t1,t1,t1]) performs the same operation i.e they both horizontally stack the vectors. But when I performed both on a same ...
Hemanthsai's user avatar
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How to deal with stacking context problem [duplicate]

I am reviewing the stack context concept and am confused about the following example In the parent div, we create a new stack context and I do not understand why the child stack above the parent div, ...
Sean Liu's user avatar
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`will-change: opacity` doesn't create new stacking context

in MDN web docs it is mentioned that stacking context is formed in these scenarios: Element with a opacity value less than 1 Element with a will-change value specifying any property that would create ...
karam barakat's user avatar
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Preventing a dropdown from appearing behind other dropdowns

I'm building a custom dropdown. The real thing is going to have all the necessary ARIA attributes of course, but here's the barebones version: [...document.querySelectorAll('.select')].forEach(...
vvye's user avatar
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StackingClassifier has no atribute to predict_proba()

I am trying to construct a stacking classifier for predicting each class, at the same time I need the probability for each elemnt to be in the predicted class. I tried using the predict_proba() method ...
Elena's user avatar
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Why is the body tag a stacking context, depending on the background color of the html tag

Every HTML page has a stacking context at the root element (htmltag). In the following example the html tag is the (only) stacking context html { background-color: gray; } body { background: #222; ...
rioV8's user avatar
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Stacking context between separate containers

I am building a grid in which i would have rows of 'cells' and items that overlay specific cells. The goal is to emulate this This consists of one single parent div (the entire grid) and multiple ...
Theo Wright's user avatar
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CSS position question. I want to put two images together on the same position

I want to put two images together like enter image description here with responsive. I used relative position for this, but whenever screen become smaller, it goes like this enter image description ...
Taehoon's user avatar
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Stacking contest: for some reason child stays on top of parent element (Even though parent has higher z-index) [duplicate]

So basically I need the nav ul to stay under the header (which is his parent). Also,the header is the cyan section with the logo and burger button.` <html> <head> </head> <body&...
JIRACHI's user avatar
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is it possible to create a new stacking context WITHOUT the element being painted as if it's positioned?

what is the question? Under the current spec of CSS, for any element, creating a new stacking context is equivalent to being painted as if it's positioned. Various properties creating a new context ...
canalun's user avatar
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Is there stacking context(z-index) priority? [duplicate]

Background I've learned z-index working with stacking-context And there are a lot of properties that can make stacking-context. https://...
sundicide's user avatar
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CSS stacking context affecting SVG opacity?

I came across an "issue happening on Safari" raised which finally lead me to discover a very different behaviour on some scenario on Chromium based browsers vs. Firefox vs. Safari, with 3 ...
Áxel Costas Pena's user avatar
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How to build a image slider in desktop

Trying to build something like this, issue is dont know where to start with combinning the stack and listview builder Tried using a list view builder , work if images are next to eacher other plain, ...
ChrisJnr Potgieter's user avatar
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Table row shadow below all data cells

Im having trouble making a valid HTML table with vertical spacing between rows and shadow below each row. The shadow always goes on top of other table data. I have positioned the elements and set a z-...
ViktorMS's user avatar
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hover effect not working on element with lower z-index

I have a problem with the z-index. I have simulated my problem in this jsfiddle . I have two siblings div inside a container. one of them works as a background of the container and has a hover effect ...
benyamin nayudi's user avatar

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