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How do these 2 stacking contexts interact with each other? [duplicate]

I have this code .red { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red; transform: translateX(50px); } .blue { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue; margin-top: ...
daremkd's user avatar
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Stacking context with nested mapping in Typescript React using Framer Motion

I have an array of skill objects, some of which have an array of subskills. I'm using nested mapping to render them as cards, flexbox to lay them out, and Framer Motion to staggered-ly animate them on ...
Joseph Brockly-Anderson's user avatar
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Recharts Charts Stacking Issue

I'm using Recharts, the React charting library. My app contains a header that is fixed and at the top, and all the other content just flow under it when I scroll down. However, the charts I created ...
Wilfrid's user avatar
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::before Pseudo-element Not Displaying Below Form Despite z-index -1 Setting [duplicate]

I have a problem where an element created with ::before is not appearing below a form. Even after setting z-index to -1, it doesn't work. How can I fix this issue? .form::before { content: ""; ...
Farzane Sajadian's user avatar
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Confusion over sticky element and relative element sibling

I have a very basic html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"...
Jose Paredes's user avatar
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Stacking context between separate containers

I am building a grid in which i would have rows of 'cells' and items that overlay specific cells. The goal is to emulate this This consists of one single parent div (the entire grid) and multiple ...
Theo Wright's user avatar
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How to build a image slider in desktop

Trying to build something like this, issue is dont know where to start with combinning the stack and listview builder Tried using a list view builder , work if images are next to eacher other plain, ...
ChrisJnr Potgieter's user avatar
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Cortex M4 stacking and unstacking with a diferent stack pointer

It is possible to achieve this in a cortex-m4? What i mean is having PSP only on that intervals, and all the rest MSP when there is an interrupt? The objective is just to do the stacking and ...
AB3's user avatar
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Child element not overlapping/stacking on top of parent element with 'Overflow-Y:scroll'

I have an info-box with a list of services on the left column and the content for each service on the right column. I have used a <ul> list to list the services and each service is a button.The ...
Tarun R's user avatar
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how to choose the hidden layers for MLP classifier?

i'm working in a stacking method , i had a feature vector with 2816 features(1536 features from the first model and 1280 from the second model ) and i want to give this vector to an MLPclassifier to ...
Cy Rine's user avatar
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what is the difference between torch.stack([t1,t1,t1],dim=1) and torch.hstack([t1,t1,t1])?

Technically, both the methods torch.stack([t1,t1,t1],dim=1) and torch.hstack([t1,t1,t1]) performs the same operation i.e they both horizontally stack the vectors. But when I performed both on a same ...
Hemanthsai's user avatar
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Table row shadow below all data cells

Im having trouble making a valid HTML table with vertical spacing between rows and shadow below each row. The shadow always goes on top of other table data. I have positioned the elements and set a z-...
ViktorMS's user avatar
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StackingClassifier has no atribute to predict_proba()

I am trying to construct a stacking classifier for predicting each class, at the same time I need the probability for each elemnt to be in the predicted class. I tried using the predict_proba() method ...
Elena's user avatar
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Preventing a dropdown from appearing behind other dropdowns

I'm building a custom dropdown. The real thing is going to have all the necessary ARIA attributes of course, but here's the barebones version: [...document.querySelectorAll('.select')].forEach(...
vvye's user avatar
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CSS position question. I want to put two images together on the same position

I want to put two images together like enter image description here with responsive. I used relative position for this, but whenever screen become smaller, it goes like this enter image description ...
Taehoon's user avatar
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