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Twillo python not generating audio from stream

I'm trying to generate audio to user using twillo and elevenlabs. When I directly send the conversation when called to "generate audio" then it works and generates the audio. But the first ...
Chris Turindwa's user avatar
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Is it possible to get audio stream events notification in a Win32 app?

Windows supports the audio session events notification by IAudioSessionEvents. I want to know that is it possible to get audio stream events notification, such as an application creates an audio ...
user25033144's user avatar
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NAudio - Start mp3 while other mp3 still running

Let's assume we have an endless list of mp3's. At a given point each mp3 fades out (different for each mp3), and the next mp3 starts. So for a short period of time there are the new mp3 and the fading ...
Thore Laufenberg's user avatar
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What is the correct Splitting of Audio Stream (ByteArray) in python the 2nd file (2nd chunk) is corrupt

I did an test implementation to receive an audio stream over an websocket connection than i buffer and always after 2seconds i would like to save the audio into a file. For the first chunk that is ...
shortQuestion's user avatar
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Using HMTL5 to play web based radio streams for 20 minutes each

With reference to the code below (copied from HTML 5 video or audio playlist) I would like to do something similar but instead of mp3 tracks have it as music radio streams ( because they are streams ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How can I play sound as stream<list<int>>

I am trying to get a video from YouTube. class MyCustomSource extends StreamAudioSource { final List<int> bytes; MyCustomSource(this.bytes); @override Future<StreamAudioResponse> request([...
smmm's user avatar
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Read and play audio files from a directory with Node

I'm working on a project to create an audio streamer (like an online radio) using NodeJs. And in principle, I have this code in my app.js file, the main objective is to go through the files in a ...
el_sas's user avatar
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How to live stream audio on a mobile application and output to a external speaker in real time (C# .NET MAUI)

I am tasked to create a mobile app funtionaluty where users can live stream voice to be outputted onto the external IP Speaker. (HIKVISION IP SPEAKER DS-PA0103-B).
x3boffi's user avatar
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How can I take the difference of two overlapping byte streams in Python?

I have an audio stream coming in from an API call which generated text-to-speech; I am currently generating overlapping chunks of consecutive texts and want to only write the difference between a ...
skidjoe's user avatar
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How to stream audio to the caller?

How can I send a stream of audio back to the caller? I have a ReadableStream of bytes that correspond to audio data. I am retrieving this from my server on the fly. I'd like to play this stream of ...
Ruchir Baronia's user avatar
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audio only plays on http not https

I have an audio live stream on via shoutcast server and it plays fine on http but doesn't play on https. I currently have the stream address as http. I've tried switching the stream address to https ...
Harry The Mad Lurker's user avatar
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How to stream audio in real time as I'm receiving the audio bytes in python?

I have an API endpoint that is streaming bytes of audio to me in real time in an mp3 format. I want to know if I can start playing audio as soon as I start getting these bytes. How can I do this? p = ...
Subhan Poudel's user avatar
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HTML audio tag do not work on SAFARI how to fix it

I try to stream audio from server;stream.mp3 and when i play on Chrome or Mozilla it work good but when i play this audio on Safari i see loading circle and nothing play. I ...
Smagus's user avatar
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C# Streaming to HTML5 audio element

I'm doing text-to-speech via a webpage UI. The workflow is The user types some text into a TextBox User clicks a "Speak" button The server sends the text to the Azure CognitiveServices ...
user998303's user avatar
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How to play audio from a stream that contains a MPEG file?

My program receives MPEG audio as a stream and I want to play that stream as soon as it's received by the app. I am already familiar with SoundPlayer but it only supports .wav files and I've seen ...
lingeringame's user avatar

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