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Swift Xcode AVAudioEngine malfunction with iOS dictation

I am using AVAudioCV to record sound and analyze it using Apple's built-in dictation. However, when I try to turn the audio engine on with a button, the audio buffers complete instantly and do not ...
rjc810's user avatar
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How to record an audio stream for save it in file / swift 4.2

I am creating a radio application for iPhone (coded in Swift 4.2) and I want to add a function allowing me to record and save in a file, the sound produced by my radio (read from an AVPlayer) when I ...
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How to stream audio from Firebase Database to Phone (IOS) Using Swift Xcode

I want to stream audio that is stored in my firebase database to my application using swift xcode. What is the correct way of coding this and setting it up in Firebase? Thanks in advance!
Chike Kotzebue's user avatar
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Playing audio from URL give me this log error and stuck .(Swift)

I had audio playing through URL, it is working fine using Wifi network but when i change to 3G or Data, it would give this error and it stuck at loading. > CredStore - performQuery - Error ...
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How to create audio file from Int array on iOS device swift 3?

I have bluetooth device with sound membrane, I can scrub by finger on this membrane and produce the sound. Then this analog sound is sending to iPhone via bluetooth and then I can handle those values ...
Serge's user avatar
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Swift - How to remove delay when recording audio using AVFoundation

I'm using an app that records audio and streams it to another user. It's basically a VoIP call. The problem I'm running into is that the audio I'm streaming to the peer is delayed by about 0.5 seconds....
Kember's user avatar
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iOS - Sending and receiving data simultaneously

thanks for taking the time to read my question. Basically I'm connecting to another device using MultipeerConnectivity and I want to stream data to the other device while receiving data. My issue ...
Logan's user avatar
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iOS - Streaming and receiving audio from a device to another ends in one only sending and the other only receiving

My app is basically a phone call over MultipeerConnectivity. Here is how I'm setting up the audio session: Note that recordingSession is of type AVAudioSession and captureSession is of type ...
Logan's user avatar
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iOS - How to read audio from a stream and play the audio

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read the question! So I've made a stream using MultipeerConnectivity. I am able to record audio into a CMSampleBuffer and convert that buffer into UInt8 ...
Logan's user avatar
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Audio being recorded from AVCaptureSession is generating a "Bad Address" error when streaming to another device

Thanks so much in advance, I know this question may be hard to follow. If you need any clarification or want me to explain a method better then I will gladly help you. I am setting up the ...
Logan's user avatar
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How to buffer audio using AVPlayer in iOS?

I want to play stream audio from the Internet. I wrote code that plays stream but it don't have any buffer so if signal is weak application stop playing audio. This is my code: import UIKit import ...
Lukasz Hr's user avatar
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audioStreamer swift error cocoa.h

I created an app in swift with a radio option, and i would like to get the metadata like artist title etc... so I import a 2 files (audioStreamer.m & audioStreamer.h) from Mike Jablonski project. ...
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