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Color in VS-Code Terminal doesn't work in Python

I got this code: from colorama import Fore, Back, Style, init init(autoreset=True) print(Fore.WHITE + Back.GREEN + "This should be white text on green background") print(Fore.WHITE + Back....
Frank Kölsch's user avatar
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How to fix PHP executable not found error on my mac

I am trying to get a PHP file to work through XAMPP, but nothing I am doing is working. I even installed PHP on Homebrew in my terminal. So, in my Visual Studio code, I am getting a PHP executable not ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to send "up arrow" to terminal in VS Code

In VS Code, if I want to write a keyboard shortcut to send command to the terminal, I can use the following in ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json: { "key": "alt+p", ...
Jake Levi's user avatar
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Which command shows all previously used terminal commands?

Which command can be used to get a list of all previously used terminal commands? With the command history, we can get a list of all previously used commands in the terminal or Visual Studio Code. Is ...
Yash Gupta's user avatar
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Set default location of terminals in VS Code per terminal profile

I have a monorepo, and every time I open a terminal, I have to cd to a specific directory; and it's different for each terminal. I want to skip this step and set different default directories for ...
Shahriar's user avatar
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How to add nvm to terminal VSCode forever

I added zsh to my terminal in VSCode and installed nvm. But every time I open the terminal in vs code, it must re-run source ~/.nvm/ If not, it will throw an error: nvm not found and node not ...
Lâm Đỗ Tuấn's user avatar
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my vs code Code Runner not working Using Backslashes in Paths for C, Java, and C++ in my windows 11 , but when i change \ to / it do works

my vs code Code Runner not working Using Backslashes in Paths for C, Java, and C++ in my windows 11 , but when i change \ to / it do works . when i use code runner i get cd "c:\Users\HP VICTUS\...
Vinit Nagar's user avatar
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How to allow the terminal to make a bell noise in vs code [duplicate]

I have seen elsewhere that it is possible to make a terminal make a noise with cmd ^G (typed ctrl+G). I tried this and found it did nothing in the vs code terminal. I'd give more details but all the ...
Lincoln's user avatar
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VSCode open external terminal wezterm in home folder instead of in project folder

I use Visual Studio Code on my MacBook Pro and until now I had used iTerm 2 as my terminal emulator and I had it set as the external terminal in vscode: "terminal.external.osxExec": "...
Shai Avr's user avatar
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Vscode's integrated WSL terminal breaks when long lines are entered in the terminal prompt

To replicate the issue, open WSL in a VScode terminal and scroll through your terminal prompts with arrow keys. The terminal session still functions correctly but is visually more difficult to use. ...
user17410331's user avatar
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shift + enter does not work to run a code selection in VS Code with Python 3.12 in Windows 10 but works with 3.11 (and 3.9)

After trying hard to find a way to make VS Code 1.92 (31-07-2024) run a code selection with the keyboard shortcut shift + enter, with a 3.12 Python compiler, in Windows 10, I gave up. My solution was ...
Ricardo C's user avatar
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The shell cannot be started (issue with VS Code)

I'm learning how to code and I'm using VS Code, and when trying to open the terminal or to open a file with internal terminal it give me an error message and then the terminal closes. What would be ...
Houssam's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code: prevent defaulted terminal reuse (by tasks)

When Visual Studio Code 1.92 runs a shell task, it opens a terminal. When the task completes, the terminal is left open so the output remains visible. The terminal tells the user that pressing a key ...
Philippe Cloutier's user avatar
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VSCode enable focus terminal to display terminal name

I accidently uncheck the Focus option while right-clicking the top/header of the terminal bar. The terminal name that used to be displayed there has now disappear (see screenshot). I have tried this ...
Binh Ngo's user avatar
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How to prevent VSCode to inherit the proxy environment variables?

I use VSCode behind a corporative proxy that authenticates using NTLM. Since version 1.15 VSCode understands NTLM protocol and no proxy configuration is necessary for it to access the internet \o/. ...
neves's user avatar
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