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.htaccess to web config conversion

can anyone help me to convert this .htaccess file to web.config IIS. I have tried with some online tools also but still not working. The server is windows 10and IIS version 7 Options +FollowSymlinks ...
nitin's user avatar
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Convert Apache .htaccess rules to IIS web.config to append .php file extensions

I am using below .htaccess code. But I need to convert my .htaccess file content to web.config file. I have no idea how to do it. please check my .htaccess code below: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond ...
Kumara's user avatar
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convert .htaccess to web.config iis 10

Good evening, I should convert this .htaccess file to web.config, I tried to import it into UrlRewrite but when I open the pages it gives me 404, and I need .php at the end, I would like to remove it ...
Lorenzo 's user avatar
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Rewrite condition htaccess to web.config

I would like to understand how the following htaccess file conditions translate for the web.config: RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(...
ValentinaMotta's user avatar
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How to convert .htaccess to web.config?

I am realy lost here. I am used to work with linux server so I use .htaccess Now I need to develop a project in windows server and I need to use some rewrite rules, etc. So I need to set the web....
ALTSOFTCODE's user avatar
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How to convert .htaccess to web.config

I have this .htaccess file which works great with Apache, but I am now forced to use IIS, hence need to convert from .htaccess to web.config. How do I make it a web.config file? I tried the online ...
Kevin K's user avatar
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Flutter web 404 Not Found

Flutter Web after deploy in server 404 will appear I know flutter is single page application so we configure the .htaccess file RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}% !-d RewriteCond %{...
dinesh balan's user avatar
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How to translate this .htaccess line to web.config for IIS?

Here's my .htaccess rule that I confirm works: RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/foo/products products.aspx?product_id=${product_map:$1} [NC, L] What it does is uses the product_map.txt file to map between ...
Joe Defill's user avatar
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Unable to ignore index.php from application URL developed using codeigniter on IIS

I have an application developed in codeigniter and deployed in IIS Windows shared hosting plesk control panel. When I navigate to the website it doesn't remove the index.php from the URL and page is ...
user16554178's user avatar
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I have web.config file. I want to apply the url rules I made to subfolders as well. The code only working in the root directory

I have 3 subfolders under root directory /Root --en-US --fr-FR --ar-AR <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="rule 1q" stopProcessing="true"> ...
Metehan Gezer's user avatar
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Getting PHP routing Library to work with Azure App Service?

I have a PHP app that uses Steampixel\Route for it's routing. I can't get it to work with azure. I created another azure app service to see if I can get Steampixel\Route or another routing library to ...
DanielGPR's user avatar
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Can't figure out .htaccess to web.config redirect

I'm having to deploy a PHP website to a windows server, and I'm having trouble re-writing the .htaccess to a web.config file. I'm not very knowledgeable in url rewriting rules btw. I have 3 .htaccess ...
Fernando Pereira's user avatar
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Convert htaccess rule to config.web on windows server

I need to use this rule on a Plesk Windows server. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/(invoice|offer)\/(.*) [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,NC,L] Can someone show me how to use ...
Mohamed Amine ARAGRAG's user avatar
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Trailing Slash Issue with URL for Subdirectory

I am currently using one host to host multiple domains (each domain is pointed to a folder in the root directory). Which generally works fine, but the problem comes when trying to access sub-...
Vidit Bhargava's user avatar
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Convert htaccess RewriteCond to web.config

What's the converted/translation of this piece of code from htaccess to web.config? Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}...
user3196160's user avatar

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