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How to use different connection strings and code depending on development or production branch in .NET framework?

The projects in question are built with .NET framework and use TFVC for version control. I have two branches for each project, production and development. Every time something like an entity model or ...
GrassConcreteFloor1788's user avatar
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Set & use variable name in app service configuration that doesn't exist in web.config

Using a .NET Framework 4.8 as an API application for a website. //web config <add key="id" value="123" /> //code inside main project solution, this works var Id = ...
John's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'System.Memory, Version=

How to fix this error? System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could ...
Rohan Khurana's user avatar
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Encrypt credentials in App.config in Visual Studio 2019 using aspnet_regiis

encrypt credentials in App.config in Visual Studio 2019 I need to Encrypt API credentials in my App.config in c# console application. I'm using .Net framework 4.7.2. I'm using aspnet_regiis.exe ...
SilverFish's user avatar
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How to filter UrlReferrer from a whitelist in ASP.NET?

I need to create a single page that is going to be a part of an existing ASP.NET MVC website that is only open or accessible if came from allowed websites (Referrer). Our partners are planning to load ...
samantha07's user avatar
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Transform App.Config and App.Release.Config Files In .net core

I am trying to port an old dotnet framekwork 4.8 web application to dotnet core 3.1. This project is one of four project in my solution: dotnet core 3.1 (currently porting from dotnet framework 4.8 ...
BoMerican's user avatar
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Problem calling a second .config for keys in C#

I need a second .config to manage alot of keys. I tried using <configSections> <section name="apiConnection" type="CustomConfig.apiConnectionSection, CustomConfig&...
Paul Kremser's user avatar
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How do I implement WS-security in WCF client service (timestamp, usernametoken, signature)

I need to implement a WCF request with WS-Security. The header must to have this tags (Signature, UsernameToken and Timestamp) as shown below: <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security> <...
Juan Duitama's user avatar
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Dynamically creating the config file by using tokenized file

In our developmet proccess we are using CI/CD tools of TFS. To create config files for different machines we're using tools: XDT Transform and Replace Tokens So by using those tools we transform ...
David Naik's user avatar
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Read a connection string for web.config, app.config, & .NET Core json

We have a library we provide to customers in a variety of uses on a variety of platforms. We are porting it to .NET Core 3. One of our methods allows them to pass in the name of a ConnectionString in ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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How does everyone manage developer environment config files?

We already use web.config/app.config xml transforms to for our .NET projects and are also using multiple appsettings.js files based on an environment variable for .NET CORE projects. What I'm looking ...
SM3RKY's user avatar
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NLog config inside web.config or app.config ignored in version 4.5.11

Recently, we've updated some web and console application, to use a newer version of NLog, the latest 4.5.11. Before, we've used a 4.4 version. With this 4.4 version, we were able to set the NLog ...
Michiel van Vaardegem's user avatar
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Using external config file for connection strings in multiple projects

I want to know if there is a better way to use connection strings in external files in my solution, since my solution has 8 separate projects, all using the same connection strings. According to this: ...
Matt Spinks's user avatar
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App.config readability for large string values

I have various keys in appSettings, and each of them have a long string which contains values like these: <add key="rightsTable" value="{LibraryNames='xxx',Folders='xxx',UserNames='xxx',...
Luis Art Guerra's user avatar
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C#/ASP.Net: app.settings instead of web.config

I have next scenario: One Class Library (For example called Utilities) using one app.config One General Site Web application using web.config and applications with web.config each one. I need to ...
Dave's user avatar
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