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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: mf.pbkdf2 is not a function

Problem with crypto in Chrome Extension for Password Encryption I'm building a Chrome extension wallet and since i have never implemented/worked with extensions before im testing the flow. I send a ...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
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struggling to integrate walletconnect in my dApp

import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import Web3Modal from 'web3modal'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import { Web3Provider } from "@ethersproject/providers";...
Akshat Patil's user avatar
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Trying to clone the smart contract [closed]

I am trying to clone the smart contract directly from its address. According to original documentaion I can clone the smart contract by using contract address and its name. But when I try to do this, ...
hammad zia's user avatar
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Module '"@wagmi/core"' has no exported member 'configureChains'

I follow the Wagmi documentation strictly: import { createConfig, http } from 'wagmi' import { configureChains } from '@wagmi/core' import { sepolia, mainnet } from 'wagmi/chains' import { ...
T. Dimoff's user avatar
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Is this is right way to implement Thirdweb authentication with saving user in our backend database if user not present

// UserLoginProvider.js export const UserLoginProvider = ({ children }) => { const [walletAddress, setWalletAddress] = useState(""); const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(false); ...
aditya rawat's user avatar
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Cosmos-kit Osmosis custom RPC endpoints - Cosmos ecosystem

I got an assignment in the cosmos ecosystem. It's my first time building on Cosmos network, specifically Osmosis and I am having a problem connecting to my custom RCP endpoints, it always falls back ...
Patricie's user avatar
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My question is regarding installation of a package in VS code but im getting an error in installing it

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'prettier' imported from C:\Users\aryan\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_npx\86fd6f984ad48a35\node_modules\thirdweb\dist\esm\cli\commands\generate\generate.js ...
aryan agrawal's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'verifyMessage')

I am using NextAuth(4.24.6) and SIWE(2.0.5) for authentication. when I try to verify the signature it gives error 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'verifyMessage') at eval (...
Saju Sajadh's user avatar
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" Unknown Ethereum address " Error calling approve method of Ethereum contract through DApp

I am encountering an error when attempting to call the approve method of a contract on the Ethereum blockchain through my decentralized application (DApp). The error message I'm receiving is: index.js:...
Nishant Patil's user avatar
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Walletconnect v2 chains not supported with web3-react

I'm upgrading from the 6.x library to 8x and I'm having problems with the walletconnectv2 connector. I get this error: Error connecting to wallet: Error: Invalid chainId 5. Make sure the default ...
Damián LLuch Castelli's user avatar
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What use instead Web3Contract.setProvider("RPC_URL") in web3-eth-contract 4.x version?

In web3-eth-contract 1.x, using this is possible. Web3Contract.setProvider("") But in 4.x, setProvider in the Web3Contract object does not exist. What is the ...
Yaki's user avatar
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How many BNB coins do I need for a Blockchain Project? It is a simple decentralized drive and I have around 0.0448 BNB in my MetaMask account

I am new to this domain and have no idea how many transaction fees will be needed. They are simple operations like giving access of an image to a user and uploading images. I need to show this project ...
Palak Pardeshi's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to get the deployed contract address using etherjs

I am trying to deploy my contract and get the address of deployed contract but is shows "undefined". Here is the code of deploy.js: //deploy.js async function main() { const [deployer] = ...
SB012's user avatar
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How to display balance of different supported chains using Wagmi Library in React as done in Opensea

I need to display the different balances of supported chains when I am connected to my wallet using wagmi. Say, I connect using Metamask connector and in the supported chains array, and I have [...
Kehinde Babalola's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Error when using Web3.js with Vite and TypeScript in a React.js Project: "Module 'events' has been externalized for browser compatibility"

I'm developing a React.js project with TypeScript managed with Vite, and I'm facing an issue when trying to integrate Web3.js for communication with Ethereum Smart Contracts. The project is set up to ...
Dawid's user avatar
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