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Use Web3 in React but encountered nth-check vulnerability

I am trying to use web3 in React but keep running into nth-check vulnerability when I try to install web3 packages. After googling I realized that this has been a common problem and can usually be ...
Zieac's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: mf.pbkdf2 is not a function

Problem with crypto in Chrome Extension for Password Encryption I'm building a Chrome extension wallet and since i have never implemented/worked with extensions before im testing the flow. I send a ...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
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How to Convert USD test stripe balance to crypto currency/Matic automatically via code on the Blockchain?

I have integrated stripe code where user pay in USD test funds via stripe when user subscribe, I want to convert the user USD into MATIC, which should then be deposited into my wallet address on the ...
Awais Ahmad's user avatar
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Is there a way to calculate "suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas and suggestedMaxFeePerGas", same way the INFURA Gas API do for BNB Network

The Infura Gas API response for bnb net : { "low": { "suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas": "4.7", "suggestedMaxFeePerGas": "4.7", "...
Daud Khan's user avatar
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Is it possible to calculate the (blockchain) network congestion?

Been trying to understand how to calculate blockchain's network congestion. (using web3js) But I can't actually figure it out. The values I'm getting are way different than the value of network ...
Daud Khan's user avatar
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Web3 Rpc Call Error on Next Js Server Call with Cloudflare

We have a project that use viem (similar to ethers js) and next js App to simplify. The issue what we are having is only in production. "ContractFunctionExecutionError: HTTP request failed.\n\...
nico-limo's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me how can I make the translateZ from 3js in cannon js?

Im trying to make a playable character. I first made it in 3js and I used translateZ to move the character. Now i want to achieve the same thing but moving the character in cannon js. I just want the ...
Ottaviano Dumitru's user avatar
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Sending USDT or other tokens over TON network using React and @tonconnect/ui-react

I’ve been developing a React app that connects to a TON wallet and allows sending tokens over the TON network. By default, it sends TON to the receiver’s wallet, but I want to modify it to send USDT ...
Muluken M's user avatar
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getAllShipment Function Not Fetching Data from Smart Contract Properly

I'm encountering an issue with my getAllShipment function in my JavaScript code. The function is intended to fetch and map shipment data from a smart contract. However, I'm seeing that only the first ...
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
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ReferenceError: nodeCrypto is not defined

I use NextJs to develop web3 app. But I have a problem when using @irys/sdk, I have trouble "ReferenceError: nodeCrypto is not defined" I realize that it works without no errors when I run ...
Hoàng Đức Bách's user avatar
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Data not fetching from smart contract for the same code in different versions of "ethers"

I am trying to make a dApp for real estate marketplace. I was using "ethers" 5.7.2. Everything was perfectly fine. In the various categories screen, the properties data of various properties ...
Harsha Kumar's user avatar
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anchor contract interaction with @coral-xyz/anchor transaction not working

I'm Working on a web3 app which is going to interact with an anchor contract on dev net. here's the setup code: import { IdlAccounts, Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { IDL, Flip } ...
Alisina Soltani's user avatar
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Can not retrieve accounts with web3.eth.getaccounts()

I am studying Stephen Grider's course on Ethereum & Solidity. The code looks like this where I am trying to get some test accounts with ganache. const assert = require('assert'); const ganache = ...
deep's user avatar
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Problem with connecting my metamask to my dapp frontend

When I click on connect wallet button, my metamask wallet is opening and asking for permission to connect the wallet. However, even after I connect it, the application isn't showing that there is no ...
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
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Gas Fees is being deducted but not swap is performed (Uniswap v3 router)

Gas Fees is being deducted but not swap is performed (Uniswap v3 router), wrote this code for swap exchange between usdc and dai in node js, the swap function is working but there is no exchange being ...
Aayush's user avatar
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