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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: mf.pbkdf2 is not a function

Problem with crypto in Chrome Extension for Password Encryption I'm building a Chrome extension wallet and since i have never implemented/worked with extensions before im testing the flow. I send a ...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
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Running web3 in NodeJs enviroment [closed]

When I attempt to import web3 in NodeJS enviroment while on the project directory I get undefined error. > const { Web3 } = require('web3'); undefined > const web3 = new Web3('https://eth-...
Ahmed B's user avatar
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Web3 error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'on')

i'm trying to listen to the ethereum chain for transactions on my usdt erc20 wallet address, using node.js and web3. Whenever usdt is sent into my wallet address, i intend to log the amount recieved ...
Anything figures's user avatar
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TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError while trying to swap USDT to SOL on Solana LP

I am getting this error on NodeJS using Solana web3.js: /Users/carlosmoralescliment/Projects/raydium-swap/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/src/connection.ts:3957 throw new ...
CarlosMC's user avatar
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How do I resolve AbiError: Parameter decoding error, or run out of gas error, when calling(get) from nodejs api route?

I'm using web3.js v4.7.0 to interact with my smart contract using nodejs/express. below is my code snippet for the Contract pragma solidity ^0.8.10; contract Transactions { uint public count = 0; ...
Steven's user avatar
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Error showing - Body.Promise.reject(new FetchError(`invalid json response body at ${_this2.url} reason: ${err.message}`, 'invalid-json'));

Im working on sample project about decentralized wallet with Web3.js but when executing code its showing **C:\Users\acer\Desktop\Training\Miniwallet\node_modules\node-fetch\lib\index.js:273 return ...
user23962524's user avatar
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Solidity based blockchain not getting account and networkId

So, I have forked a project from my friend and we need to work on it but apparently after doing npm install and npm start. It is just showing Loading web3,accounts, contracts. I read somewhere that I ...
devacius the one above all's user avatar
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Using web3.js' getPastEvents() in TypeScript gives "No overload matches this call" error

I want to fetch past events for compound v2 protocol using the following function: // Retrieve past events using getPastLogs method const pastEvents = await contract.getPastEvents( 'Mint', { ...
Aanchal Bhatti's user avatar
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Error subscribing to events using web3.js and Infura API

I'm developing a small web3 app using Ethereum Sepolia testnet, nodejs v21, web3js v4 and Infura API. I have the following smart contrcat deployed, that emits events: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ...
Jong's user avatar
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ERR_BAD_REQUEST - Code 400: NFT Marketplace: createNFT function using Pinata not work

I have created an NFT function using Pinata. With My code, I can upload images to Pinata, but when I add metadata and call create-NFT function, I always facing ERR_BAD_REQUEST: 400 Bad Request (as ...
Phanh's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: can't resolve 'web3'

I am trying to import web3 module to my code but it seems that the code cannot recognize. I have tried using npm install web3, but it made the whole thing down. May I ask is there any solutions for ...
yyxxyyxx's user avatar
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How can I transfer my tokens on the Harmony blockchain?

I have my own token on the Harmony blockchain, I need to transfer some of the tokens from my Metamask to another Metamask wallet using node.js, but I have absolutely no idea how to do this. I only ...
dev.c0de's user avatar
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Web3.js 4.4.0 WebSocket Connection Drops After Hours Without Error Messages

I'm working on an Ethereum project using Web3.js 4.4.0. My application successfully subscribes to new block headers using a WebSocket connection. However, after a period of time (ranging from 4 hours ...
Armen Chakhalyan's user avatar
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Got this error when getting token balances using web3

Here I have let web3Client = new Web3(rpcURL); let balanceContractInstance = new web3Client.eth.Contract( BalanceCheckerABI, balanceCheckerContract ); let contractAddressChunk = ...
noob96's user avatar
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Unable to connect web3.js on my localhost

Here is my project details: I am building simple project to store data from form to Ethereum blockchain. I have install nodejs, web3 using npm. I am using web version 4.3.0. I am using Ganache for ...
IndoreAdda tk's user avatar

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