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Energon fizzy jellies

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Specifics: blind bag and energon sweets

Energon fizzy jellies are a confectionary released by UK company The Little Factory Ltd in 2010, under the 2008 Universe toyline banner. They are gumdrop-style soft candies that are supposed to go all fizzy when they get in your mouth. What flavor(s) they were has not been documented.

Of more (potential) interest to Transformers collectors though is that each packet of these "fizzy sweets" also came with one of twelve blind-packed Mini-Con toys, very much like the candy toys that are so popular in Japan. These Mini-Cons are all based directly on the 2010 "Mini-Con Class 12 Pack" toys, but are in fact entirely new tooling, with a number of tiny differences on every one, but a handful have more significant differences from the toys they're based on (indicated by italics).

The twelve Mini-Cons included were:

Cloudraker's rotor blade assembly got redesigned for the fizzy jellies release.
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