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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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Opinion Questions on Workplace Stack Exchange

I have newly acquired the ability to vote on Close/Re-Open questions and whilst going through the queue, I noticed a pattern. Looking on here, I found this question: Here which talks about what ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is "opinion based" a good reason to close a question?

Recently there have been many close requests with the "opinion based" reason and I am wondering if having this close option is useful. In a way most questions on this site are opinion based, ...
Helena's user avatar
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Why are people obsessed with closing good questions as "legal or company specific"?

In my opinion, the "legal or company specific" close reason is being abused to close any question that touches at all on a company or legality - which really is most questions. Examples are ...
mxyzplk's user avatar
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More specific feedback for why my question has remained closed

I asked a question some time ago and it got closed. Apparently, the question was not focused enough so I edited the question yesterday and raised a flag to have it reopened. I see that the number of ...
a_sid's user avatar
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What details or clarity does the question about teammate vs volunteer need?

The question If no one is paid, then what is the difference between a teammate and a volunteer? is closed for needing details or clarity. From the comments I have a feeling that there is a mismatch ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Is SE Workplace intended for general questions (not related to a specific, individual case)?

I asked today a generic question and see that there are two close requests: opinion-based does not meet the guidelines I have the answer to my question so I am now curious about the rationale behind ...
WoJ's user avatar
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We should have a flag or close reason of 'Trolling'

This seems a reasonable idea to me, perhaps even with a lower threshold than other flags. The suggestion of flagging as 'Spam' is factually incorrect.
Kilisi's user avatar
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Why is there no "Unrelated to workplace" close-reason?

Sometimes, I come across a question completely unrelated to the workplace (or, I feel it is). But, when I want to VTC with off-topic, I can only close with the following reasons: Company specific/...
LP154's user avatar
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Separate Legal Advice from Company-Specific in Reasons to close

Based on the meta question on the interpretation the criteria to qualify a question as "company specific" brought up here, I noticed that there is confusion on what is the reason for closing a ...
Juliana Karasawa Souza's user avatar
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What is the difference in "Broadness" between the two version of "15 years flag"

Two questions were recently asked, each looking for the opposing view of the other. The original question is currently open, while the second has been put on hold for being "too broad". The original, ...
user avatar
-4 votes
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Suggestion for new 'hold' reason

We seem to close/hold an awful lot of questions that would be easily answered if the OP were to provide or clarify one or two minor details. However the VTC's don't indicate that, so I propose we add ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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-6 votes
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How is this offtopic?

Can some explain how this question is off topic? It may not be the best worded question in the world and it may be lacking some detail, but I fail to see how asking the appropriate protocol for ...
SaggingRufus's user avatar
-9 votes
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Unclear what you're asking - well, it's also unclear why you're closing

"Unclear what you're asking" seems to be the most-abused close reason on Workplace. Every day I see things like this... I was assigned to a fake project after being hired. Is this bad news for my ...
user avatar
31 votes
8 answers

The Question-Close Police

I decided recently to try to participate more on Workplace. It turns out to be not so easy. You've got to be quick on the draw to so much as answer a question before it gets closed for dubious ...
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2 votes
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Why does a question get closed as a duplicate when other close reasons where also suggested?

This question was closed as a duplicate of this quesiton. However, I felt it was far from being a duplicate and wanted to close it as being off topic as the person is asking us to write an email for ...
Draken's user avatar
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