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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

The question you're asking is designed to solicit opinions or best-practices on a particular topic, with the goal of reaching community consensus.
1592 questions
You need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
198 questions
Indicates that you want to discuss or need help with one specific question.
196 questions
to request the community to consider closed/on hold question(s) for reopening.
192 questions
95 questions
92 questions
86 questions
Tag for questions and discussion regarding the usage of tags on the main site, including any processes regarding them, such as burination, creation, deletion, etc. Use in combination with another tag,…
85 questions
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46 questions
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Requests to have a tag "burninated" (or deleted) from the system. Use for both requesting a removal, as well as discussing if a tag needs removal.
24 questions
quality of the site content
23 questions
22 questions
Indicates that you want to discuss or need help with one specific answer.
21 questions
for requests to replace one tag with another existing tag. It also applies to requests that one tag should be merged into another, or simply abandoned.
21 questions
21 questions
A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag should be a synonym of which. Bidirectional synonyms and cycles are implicitly disallowed, so suggest wisely.…
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