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Questions tagged [contracts]

Questions relating to the legal aspects of employment contracts.

0 votes
3 answers

How can an independent IT consultant secure a remote contract work with UK-based employers?

I am an independent IT consultant permanently based in Spain, but I don't hold EU citizenship and have no legal or economic connections to the UK. I'm struggling to secure contract work with UK-based ...
DDZ's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Contract Negotiation: For personal financial safety, is it better to negotiate a longer notice period or not? [closed]

This question might be weird but I've been thinking about it; say I have a new contract and I could hypothetically choose between: No notice 2 weeks 1 month 2+ months What would it be in my best ...
N3sh's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Can a contract require you to accept new T&C?

The situation has a lot of different aspects, but I'll try to keep the question as focussed as possible. I have a retail job in the UK, which requires regular training through an online platform (see ...
Ratler's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What are my rights if an old employer claims they overpaid my pension contributions and is demanding repayment? [closed]

I was working for a company under contract from 20th September 2021 to 31st October 2022 during which time I was an employee of an umbrella company as the contract was deemed to be inside IR35. I was ...
Marlon's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Can an employee be made to pay back training costs when resigning from the company?

(United Kingdom) I have worked for this company for the last 6 months and was enrolled onto a level 4 course within my first week of work. I did not ask to join this training course and was told I had ...
Ninabobina's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Am I required to go into an employer to manage banking for pay they owe me after I no longer work for them?

I have been doing the run/call around all week to chase down my paycheck that my previous employer owes me...Checked everything on my end, called the bank to see if it maybe bounced (it didn't)... ...
Ryan S's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Contractor requesting copy of contract between services company and end client

If there is a contract between A->B where A is a contractor and B a services company and another contract B->C between the services company and an end-client C, should A, the contractor be ...
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-4 votes
1 answer

Company wants to revert my working hours to previous arrangement

I had a contract as a home shopping driver, and I worked Sunday evenings until 10pm, and Monday through Thursday from 7am until 2pm. However, for a few months, I started working Sunday mornings ...
barry jones's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Received an email from my company includes revert with 6 months contract extension [closed]

My seaman boyfriend received an email says please be so kind to revert with 6 months contract extension he is under probation period. What does it mean?
Nicole Ace Aranda's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Termination of contract during notice period [closed]

I am on my notice period and I have a workplace injury that has not allowed me to go into work. I’m in the UK and now my employer wants to terminate the contract because I’m going to my home country ...
Aadi Chabukswar's user avatar
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2 answers

Completing hours requirement when providing specific service

I want to ask a question and want to know what's my legal and ethical responsibility. Suppose in the contract (remote job), I clearly specified that I would be providing specific services related to ...
Johnny Broz's user avatar
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3 answers

I was ghosted by a recruiter after the offer signed [closed]

I went through 2 rounds of interviews. I was offered the job, contracts was signed, onboarding forms completed and the start date was set. 2 days before the start date I get a message that the start ...
Aneska Lotter's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How should I approach a company about furthering a science idea I have partially developed? [closed]

I'm a scientist, 52 years old. For 5 years, I have developed a personal research project, in a private room which belongs to my associate. It is about the interaction between living cells and Electro-...
MikeTeX's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I work for ex-colleague's start-up with "non-poaching" clause - Is it enforceable? [closed]

I work as a staff writer for an online news publication at Company A in the UK. I have a friend who I met at the company who was senior in the PR/Comms department. They have recently left the ...
djspoony's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it normal, as a vendor, to perform software development on a customer application that a different vendor develops and supports?

I work as a software developer for a consulting company in Australia. In the past, we provided support services to a particular client for a specific piece of software. This support contract ended ...
DRVR's user avatar
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