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Carian Cole

Author of Torn

19+ Works 832 Members 57 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Carian Cole

Torn (2016) 175 copies, 8 reviews
Tied (2017) 110 copies, 8 reviews
Storm (2014) 101 copies, 6 reviews
Don't Kiss the Bride (2021) — Author — 76 copies, 2 reviews
No Tomorrow (2018) 72 copies, 9 reviews
Lukas (2015) 61 copies, 7 reviews
Talon (2015) 53 copies, 5 reviews
Vandal (2015) 51 copies, 7 reviews
Loving Storm (2017) 39 copies, 3 reviews
Asher (2020) 35 copies, 2 reviews
Torn: All Torn Up, Book 1 (2016) 9 copies

Associated Works

Nightingale: A Charity Anthology in Support of Ukraine (2022) — Contributor — 85 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

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4.8 stars

Well hello there ugly cry. This book. So many ups and downs. So many emotions. One moment I'm smiling the next my heart is breaking. I can't say much about this without giving away major spoilers(which I refuse to do). My advice. Go into this blind like I did. Savor the characters and the story. You can thank me later.
MagicalRi | 8 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
Need to stay away from IG suggestions.
Major DNF.
mimji | 8 other reviews | Apr 20, 2024 |
The author definitely knows their ages of consent in all states and what age gaps are legal. That's a yikes. People who have the Romeo and Juliet laws memorized are scary to me.

I now realize this is labeled as #1 meaning there's going to be more books in this series and I don't know why I keep on seeing things through when it can only get worse than this.

Gives me Jacob on Renesme energy and I don't remember asking for that. That one werewolf in Twilight who is having a tea party with a toddler that's his mate once she reaches eighteen is the exact energy of this book.

Now knowing that, I'm not about to stop where I am which is partway through. So I kept going. Maybe this is a horror and she'll escape her godfather and Uncle Torren who has been enamored with her since she was little.


They're not related but it doesn't change the fact that he's imagining her as a kid while touching himself and remembering her birth. The fuck? Ew. It would be a little less quick if he didn't keep remembering her as a BABY.

He preordered his bride in simple words.

This book is an exercise in not gagging or feeling threatened. He's pining for a child and admits when she is fifteen, he's been pining for years! What was she, eight? Seven? Five? When it started? Fifteen is extremely young!

On top of that we get flashbacks of her when she's eight or seven which makes me think he was after that child and is pretending to be surprised by it. Faking surprise but secretly planning this all along.

He's written like he's not in the wrong. At least Lolita can make the predator obviously in the wrong and readers don't side with the nonce in it. Torn wants us to side with the nonce and see it as romantic.

They don't even have chemistry beyond the obvious EW.

1.5 stars. Could have been a great horror instead of a ""romance"".
… (more)
Yolken | 7 other reviews | Apr 1, 2024 |
I enjoyed this forbidden love story. Sometimes age gaps can feel -how do you say - WEIRD. I think the background of the characters established their connection early on and it was believable they would have an attraction to one another.
s_carr | 7 other reviews | Feb 25, 2024 |


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