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Zoey Derrick

Author of Give Me Reason

29 Works 240 Members 10 Reviews

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Includes the name: Zoey Derrick


Works by Zoey Derrick


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Mikah Blake is on his way from a groundbreaking, when he feels like he's being drawn to go down the street, and that's when he sees her. Vivienne has had a lot of tough breaks in her past. She was raised by her drug addicted, alcoholic mother, who would do anything for her drugs. Now, she's 22 years old and has barely survived her abusive reaction to her confession that she's married. Mikah's attraction to her is love at first sight, from the moment he sees her, he has a strong desire to protect her, take care of her and keep her safe. Will Vivienne open herself up to his help? Will she question his motives?

This was a great story about soul mates. I strongly believe that everyone has a special person that they are suppose to spend their lives with. This story exemplifies that. I love Vivienne, she's so spunky and her desire to prove that she can take care of herself is so powerful. The situations and connections are so realistic and plausible that it almost felt like I was reading someone's personal diary. Everything happens so fast that you're completely engrossed and losing track of time because you have to know what happens next. I strongly suggest that you also purchase book two because book one leaves you hanging at a magnificent climax!
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sunshine9573 | 2 other reviews | Dec 19, 2022 |
This is book two in The Reasons Series. The story opens when Mikah has broken down Vivienne's front door and finds her unconscious in a pool of blood. What happens once he's in the hospital will have you saying "No way!" This portion deals more with Mikah realizing who or what he really is, and how much Vivienne really means to him and his "people".

I am thoroughly enjoying this series. I love angels and stories about them. These books do not disappoint. Once you start reading, you will not be able to put them down. I honestly can't wait for book three and to find out who the new nemesis is going to be.… (more)
sunshine9573 | 1 other review | Dec 19, 2022 |
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. Cameron Enders, catches her boyfriend Reed with another woman. Rather than stay and confront him, she quietly and quickly slips out of the apartment. It brings back the memories of neglect and loveless relationships she has had with both of her parents. She decides to disappear from everyone for awhile and decide what she will do with her life. She vanishes to the island of Tarah where she spares no expense to enjoy her break from life.

Tristan Michaels is a famous movie star. His current on again off again girlfriend not only cheats on him, but it will be exposed in the tabloids soon. He decides not to help her squash the article and takes a break from the public eye on a trip to Tarah. How far will. Layla go to get Tristan back? How will Tristan react to Cami's relationship with her father, Bobbie, the former CEO of Bolt.

This was an interesting romance novel. Cami, is a strong main character considering the things she has been through. Her chemistry with Tristan is instant and very powerful. The attraction they have for one another is evident before they even meet. As much as I tried to like Tristan, I couldn’t, his attraction to Cami seemed more like an obsession than someone falling in love. There were times I felt bogged down by repetition, and although there was no actual sex until the very end, I was turned off by being told every time Tristan was aroused. With a little bit of tweaking, this could be a really awesome novel, but because of the reasons I previously stated, I can only give this novel, in good conscience, 3 stars.

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sunshine9573 | 1 other review | Dec 19, 2022 |
Couldn't put this book down. Loved the two different story lines of the main female character. I also liked the two POV story telling. Kept me reading late into the night! Looking forward to the next books!
Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |

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