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Chanel Miller

Author of Know My Name: A Memoir

3 Works 1,641 Members 72 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: By Room for Discussion, the interview platform of the University of Amsterdam - Chanel Miller: Know My Name at 04:30, cropped, brightened, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=91676152

Works by Chanel Miller

Know My Name: A Memoir (2019) 1,619 copies, 71 reviews
Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All (2024) 21 copies, 1 review
Este é o Meu Nome (2024) 1 copy


Common Knowledge




Magnolia Wu's summer gets a bit more interesting when her mom's old friend moves to New York and Magnolia and Mrs. Lam's daughter Iris become friends. In her family's laundromat, Magnolia has pinned lost, lonely socks to a bulletin board, and Iris convinces her to find their owners and return them. This mission also serves to give Iris a tour of her new city - she misses California and the beach, although it turns out she and her mother left an abusive father - and Magnolia gets to introduce Iris to the neighborhood, and learn more about people she thinks she knows, from classmates to the school janitor.

This summary doesn't at all convey the absolute heart and charm of this book. Magnolia is so good and so real: happy to have a friend but inexperienced in the rules of friendship; witness to a racist incident against her family but proud of everything her parents have achieved; frustrated that her parents are always present, but always busy. She's independent and adventurous, curious and open-minded, and she loves her city.

See also: Clementine by Sara Pennypacker


Magnolia was not a trench-coat-wearing, magnifying-glass-holding detective. She wore a simple T-shirt and reasonable sneakers, and her strengths were asking questions and being able to talk to people. Most importantly, for the first time in a long time, she had a friend, someone who believed in her before she did, which is a powerful thing. (25)

"When you need help, just ask for it," Lisa always said. (33)

Magnolia had never thought of an error as a creative act. (36)

How much she'd assumed about Jessica's life without actually ever asking her. (94)

Magnolia had never had a best friend and didn't know the responsibilities of the new position. How did best friends make up? ...Did fighting mean the end of things? Did people recover from these kinds of wounds? (105)

She knew that just below the surface of a person, there were endless unexpected layers and stories, pain and longings and dreams, and how grateful she was to have glimpsed them. (145)
… (more)
JennyArch | Sep 20, 2024 |
The last third of the book suffers from a lack of cogency as Chanel Miller can be quite rambling at times. Still, this does not detract from the power of the book, helping us to understand the turmoil that sexual abuse victims go through. The courage of Miller must be applauded. She must know that when she tells her story, there will be people questioning her culpability but she still decided to do so. Thank you.
siok | 70 other reviews | Aug 17, 2024 |
This story is so insanely powerful. There is nothing I can say that puts into words who deep and hard this narrative hit me in my soul. Emily Doe's victim impact speech continues to be such an impactful, meaningful, and powerful piece of writing that continues to sit with me every day. There is simply nothing I can say that conveys all of my feelings. You must read.
clougreen | 70 other reviews | May 20, 2024 |
An absolute MUST READ.
deborahee | 70 other reviews | Feb 23, 2024 |



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