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May 10, 2007
About My Library
I suppose I ought to catalog my nonfiction books someday, though I am not a great nonfiction reader. I have a theory that people who don't like to read only read nonfiction. If that was all I ever read, I wouldn't like to read either!

A note on how I rate my books:
no star - not yet read (or needs to be reread before I can rate it)
1 star - would have tossed it, but like the author and/ or did not want to break up the series
2 stars - Slightly better, but not likely to be reread
3 stars - average enjoyment
4 stars - really enjoyed it
5 stars - an absolute favorite
half stars - couldn't make up my mind!

A note on how I review books:
My reviews consist of my take on a book and a very short synopsis (without giving away the plot). However, if twenty other people have given the synopsis in their reviews, I feel quite free to leave it out! Also, I am not the type of person to notice illustrations in a book (I have been known to have read and enjoyed several books several times before I even realize they are illustrated!), so if I mention them, they must have been exceptional!

The more obscure a book is, the more likely I am to review it (with obvious exceptions). Eventually I want to review ALL my books, but I am not sure how practical (or even possible!) that is.

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