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Dec 12, 2008
Real Name
Thomas Robisheaux
About My Library
While I love books, I do not collect them, and own relatively few. I leave the collecting of books to the research libraries that I love and use on a regular basis. My LibraryThing library therefore represents only a select few books -- fiction and non-fiction alike -- that shape the way I think about crafting the best history, the best stories, I can. Look for the list never to be more than twenty or thirty at a time, and for it to change.
About Me
Books are my life. Through books I have the chance to understand how others have lived and experienced the world, today, yesterday, in another culture, or in the imagination. I read hungrily - at least two or three books at a time, each for different reasons. I am also a professional historian, trying to impart to my students not just my passion for learning about the past, but why it is so important to learn how to read documents, images, places, even faint traces of the past with skill and sensitively for what they have to tell us about people, cultures, and places long past. Without it we are confined to our own experiences, a life that is too confining and narrow for me.
Durham, North Carolina

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