Book Characters for Salomo

Characters within the books in Salomo's library

Summary: 7,632 Characters.

"Big" Franz-Karl Krug

"Calamity" Jane Cannary


"Little" Franz-Karl Krug

"Wild" Bill Hickock

A. P. Hill

A. V. Alexander

A.E. Racer

A.S. Napier

Aaron Greidinger

Aaron, the Levite, older brother of Moses


Abba "God the Father"

Abbot Abo of Fassanova

Abbot Daniel

Abbot Heribert

Abbot Radulfus

Abby Cable

Abbé Gozzi

Abdallah Mohamed ben Olman

Abdi Agha

Abdon, son of Hillel, from Pirathon, one of 6 minor judges in the Bible

Abdul Alhazred

Abdullah, the sweetmeat seller's son

Abednego, of the fiery furnace "Azariah"


Abel Aubert Dupetit Thouars

Abel Magwitch

Abel Martinson

Abel Twig

Abel, son of Adam and Eve, killed by Cain

Abelard Svenson

Abiathar, son of Ahimelech, high priest

Abigail Arcane

Abigail, wife of Nabal, then wife of David

Abihu, son of Aaron, died when he entered the presence of the Lord

Abijah, son of Rehoboam, King of Judah

Abimelech, king of Gerar

Abin Sur

Abiram, son of Hiel that was lost due to the curse by rebuilding Jericho

Abishag, a Shunammite, warmed old King David


Abner, commander of Saul's army

Abraham Gray

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Van Helsing

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai "Abram"

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai, lived 175 years "Abram"

Absalom, son of King David

Absorbing Man


Abulurd Harkonnen

The Accountant


Achilles Tatius

Achish, king of Gath, son of Maoch


Ada Cappuccio

Adah, wife of Lamech

Adam Burden

Adam Dalgliesh

Adam Friedrich Oeser

Adam Orion

Adam Petrovich Hannibal

Adam Pukowski

Adam Tolkien

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, he lived 930 years

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, lived 930 years

Addie Moore

Adelard Took

Adele Astaire

Adele Hale Stackhouse

Adelmo of Otranto

Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Fisher

Admiral Ouroboros

Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell

Adolf Brand

Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Gettler

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Karlovich Berg

Adonijah, son of David and Haggith

Adrian Leverkühn

Adrian Mellon

Adrian Rees

Adrian Singleton

Adrian Veidt


Adso of Melk

Adult Legion of Super-Heroes



Aelianus Montaltus








Afanasy Ivanovich Totsky


Aga Mohammed Khan

Agafea Mihalovna



Agatha Ardry


Agent Belroy

Agent Cameron Chase

Agent Harvey Davenport

Agha Rifaat Bereket, Islamic Turk, advisor to Gabriel

Aglaya Ivanovna Epanchin


Agnes Fleming

Agnes Lake

Agnes Lozelle

Agnes Venables

Agnes Wrenn

Agnis Hamm




Ahab, King of Israel 874-853

Ahasuerus, king of Persia "Xerxes"

Ahaz, King of Judah, son of Jotham

Ahiman, the Anakite

Ahimelech, son of Ahitub

Ahinoam, wife of David, daughter of Ahimaaz

Ahithophel, the Gilonite, David's counselor, hanged himself

Ahmet III

Ailie Park nee Anderson

Aimé Bonpland



Akhram of Akhram

Akim Akimych



Al Capone

Al Catalog

Al Milgrom

Al Swearengen

Al Templeton


Al-Zubayr Rahma Mansur


Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke

Alan Bullock

Alan Campbell

Alan Kay

Alan Moore

Alan Weisman

Alba DeTamble

Alban Berg

Albert Camus

Albert Einstein

Albert Gallatin

Albert I, King of the Belgians

Albert Knag

Albert Lapointe

Albert Riley

Albert Sidney Johnston

Albert Speer



Alberto Knox

Alberto Manguel

Albie Stark

The albino

Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht of Mainz, Archbishop

Albrecht VII von Mansfeld

Albrecht von Wallenstein



Alec Holland

Alec Leamas

Aleister Crowley

Alejandro Dubecek

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Smyslov

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Vasilevsky

Aleksandr Petrovich Goryanchikov

Aleksandr Sergeyevich Shcherbakov

Alene Johnson

Alessandro Volta

Alex Burgess

Alex Lange

Alex Ross

Alex Steiner

Alex Zinnober

Alexander Anderson

Alexander Bariatinsky

Alexander Beetle

Alexander Benckendorff

Alexander Bezobrazov

Alexander Burgess

Alexander Buturlin

Alexander Cadogan

Alexander Dmitrich Balashev

Alexander Dubrovin

Alexander Dumas

Alexander Durie

Alexander Edler von Daniels

Alexander Golitsyn

Alexander Gorchakov

Alexander Grigorievich Zametov

Alexander Herzen

Alexander I, Emperor of Russia

Alexander II, Emperor of Russia

Alexander III the Great, 326-253 BC

Alexander III, Emperor of Russia

Alexander Ilich Rodimtsev

Alexander Kikin

Alexander Korda

Alexander Menshikov

Alexander Mentschikoff, Prince

Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov

Alexander Potapov

Alexander Protopopov

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Rodimtsev

Alexander Shuvalov

Alexander Smollett

Alexander Stahlberg

Alexander Suvorov

Alexander Ulyanov

Alexander VII, Pope

Alexander von Humboldt

Alexander Wilson

Alexander Zemlinsky

Alexander, Fürst zu Dohna-Schlobitten

Alexandra Dolgorukaya

Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin

Alexei Arakcheev

Alexei Khrostov

Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov

Alexei Nilych Kirilov

Alexei Razumovsky

Alexendar Kerensky

Alexis Zorbas

Alfonso Carracci

Alfonso VIII, King of Castile

Alfonso XI, King of Castile, León and Galicia

Alfred Blunt

Alfred Dreyfus

Alfred Fuerst von Montenuovo

Alfred Jodl

Alfred Kinsey

Alfred North Whitehead