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Redis 4.x Cookbook
Redis 4.x Cookbook

Redis 4.x Cookbook: Over 80 hand-picked recipes for effective Redis development and administration

Profile Icon Zuofei Wang Profile Icon Pengcheng Huang
By Zuofei Wang , Pengcheng Huang
€17.99 €25.99
Book Feb 2018 382 pages 1st Edition
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Profile Icon Zuofei Wang Profile Icon Pengcheng Huang
By Zuofei Wang , Pengcheng Huang
€17.99 €25.99
Book Feb 2018 382 pages 1st Edition
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Redis 4.x Cookbook

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Redis

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Downloading and installing Redis
  • Starting and shutting down Redis
  • Connecting to Redis with redis-cli
  • Getting server information
  • Understanding the Redis Event Model
  • Understanding the Redis protocol


Redis is a very popular, memory-based, lightweight key-value database. Strictly speaking, Redis is a data structure server, according to Matt Stancliff (@mattsta), one of the most important contributors to Redis ( The author of Redis, Salvatore Sanfilippo (@Antirez), first called it Redis, which stands for REmote DIctionary Server because Redis natively implements various kinds of data structures in memory, and provides a variety of APIs for manipulating these data structures. More importantly, Redis supports high-performance command processing, high availability/scalability architectures, and also data persistence features as a long running data store service.

With the development of high-concurrency and low-latency systems, the use of Redis is becoming more and more widespread. Redis has been ranked in the top ten of the DB-Engine complete ranking ( since 2017. Before that, it was ranked at the top of the key-value stores ranking ( for quite a long time.

The goal of this chapter is to guide readers to quickly set up a simple Redis instance and learn about some common operations, such as starting, connecting, and shutting down a Redis Server. Retrieving basic information from a Redis Server is also introduced. Moreover, it's essential to have a better understanding of the event model and communication protocol of Redis before learning Redis. The last two sections of this chapter include a detailed discussion of the event model and protocol of Redis.

Downloading and installing Redis

Redis has an active community on GitHub. Large numbers of pull requests have been made and merged during the years, and the author, Antirez, has always given a timely response on the issues section in GitHub. Hence, the release cycles of Redis are very rapid. From the early versions, 2.6/2.8 to 3.0/3.2, which were widely used, and then to the latest 4.x version, each release of Redis offers some essential enhancements and bug fixes. So using the latest version of Redis, if possible, is one of the best practices. In this book, we are adopting the latest version of Redis 4.0.1.

Redis is an open software written in pure C language so that we can install it by compilation. Major operating systems also include Redis binary packages in their software repository, although the Redis version is often a little out of date.

Getting ready…

You can find the download link and basic installation steps at If you would like to build Redis by compiling source code in Linux/Unix/macOS, both the gcc compiler and C Standard Library libc are needed in your environment. When it comes to OS repository installation, all you need are an internet connection and the correct repository configuration.

How to do it...

We will demonstrate the compilation installation of Redis in Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Xenial Xerus). The downloading and building steps are as follows: 

  1. Set up building tools:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential 
  1. Create a directory and enter it for Redis:
$ mkdir /redis 
$ cd /redis 
  1. Then, download Redis:
$ wget
  1. Untar it and enter the directory:
$ tar zxvf redis-4.0.1.tar.gz 
$ cd redis-4.0.1
  1. Create a directory for the Redis configuration file and copy the default configuration file into it:
$ mkdir /redis/conf 
$ cp redis.conf /redis/conf/
  1. Building dependencies:
$ cd deps 
$ make hiredis lua jemalloc linenoise 
$ cd .. 


Due to the differences among various operation systems and libraries installed on it, the aforementioned steps will be required when errors occur indicating some dependencies are not satisfied. For example, you may encounter the error message:zmalloc.h:50:31: fatal error: jemalloc/jemalloc.h: No such file or directory.This step is not a must for most environments, if nothing about dependencies goes wrong.

  1. Do the compilation:
$ make

If everything goes well, the following message will be shown. It means that the compilation has been done successfully:

It's a good idea to run 'make test' ;) 
make[1]: Leaving directory '/redis/redis-4.0.1/src' 
  1. Install Redis:
$ make PREFIX=/redis install 

The following messages represent the success of installation:

  1. Enter the /redis directory and verify that the Redis binary files have been generated:
$ ls /redis/bin 
redis-benchmark  redis-check-aof  redis-check-rdb  redis-cli  redis-sentinel  redis-server

Congratulations! You have completed the Redis compilation installation.

Compared to the compilation installation, using apt-get in Ubuntu to install Redis is much easier. Let's take a look:

  1. First, update software repository index:
$ sudo apt-get update 
  1. And then start the installation:
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server 
  1. When it's finished, check if Redis has been set up in your environment:
$ which redis-server 

How it works...

When it comes to the Redis version selection, bear in mind that Redis follows the standard practice of versioning, which is major.minor.patch level. An even-numbered minor stands for a stable release, while an odd-numbered minor means it's an unstable version, although there are a few versions using an odd minor for Redis.

The differences between building Redis by compiling and building via a software repository, are that the former can add optimization or debugging options when compiling, and also own the flexibility of specifying the installation location during installation.

After installation, there are some executable files in the bin directory. Their description and remarks are shown in the following table:

File name




Redis Server



Redis Sentinel

A soft link for redis-server.


Redis Console Tool



Redis RDB Check Tool



Redis Append Only Files (AOF) Check Tool



Redis Benchmarking Tool


There's more...

For Windows, you can obtain the Redis release of Windows, which the Microsoft Open Technologies group used to maintain at:

Just download the .msi executable file and give it a double-click to install, keeping the default configurations.

For macOS, there is no big difference from the procedures in Linux. You can also install Redis by issuing the command, brew install redis on macOS.

See also

  • For the impact of different compilation options on Redis performance, refer to Matt Stancliff's evaluation of Redis performance for different versions by taking different compilation options:
  • For security concerns, a non-root user should be used for Redis and the Securing Redis recipe in Chapter 8, Deploying to a Production Environment will have a detailed discussion
  • You can further refer to for more information

Starting and shutting down Redis

Before accessing Redis, the Redis Server must be started in a proper way. Similarly, under certain circumstances, you have to stop the Redis service. This recipe will show you how to start and stop a Redis Server.

Getting ready…

You need to finish the installation of the Redis Server, as we described in the Downloading and installing Redis recipe in this chapter.

How to do it...

The steps for starting and shutting down a Redis Server are as follows:

  1. You can start a Redis Server with the default configurations:
$ bin/redis-server

Your server should now start up as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. To start a Redis Server using a configuration file, such as the configuration file we copied from the source code package in the installation receipt, type the following:
$ bin/redis-server conf/redis.conf
  1. If you have installed Redis from the repository of an operating system, you can start up Redis using the init.d script:
$ /etc/init.d/redis-server start 
  1. To run redis-server as a daemon in the background at start up, you can edit the configuration file and set the daemonize parameter to yes and start with this configuration:
$ vim conf/redis.conf
daemonize yes 
$ bin/redis-server conf/redis.conf

The message Configuration loaded shown in the following screenshot indicates the configuration has already taken place:

  1. Correspondingly, you may use Ctrl + C (if Redis started in the foreground), or use Kill + PID (if you run Redis in the background) to stop the Redis service:
$ kill `pidof redis-server` 
  1. The more graceful and recommended way to stop Redis is calling the shutdown command in redis-cli:
$ cd /redis 
$ bin/redis-cli shutdown 
  1. Redis can also be shut down by the init.d script, in case you installed it from the repository of the operating system:
$ /etc/init.d/redis-server stop 

How it works...

The term instance in Redis represents a redis-server process. Multiple instances of Redis can run on the same host, as long as they use different configurations, such as different binding ports, data persistence paths, log paths, and so on.

Starting and stopping the Redis instance are basic operations. There is not much to note when starting Redis, but for a data service, stopping a Redis service deserves more attention, because as a data store service, it is of great importance for you to learn how to stop the Redis Server gracefully in order to maintain data integrity.

The reason why using the shutdown command to stop Redis is highly recommended is that if you care about data integrity and have already set persistence for Redis to save your data in memory to disk (the persistence of Redis will be discussed in Chapter 6, Persistence), issuing the shutdown command not only terminates the process, but also takes a series of other actions.

First, the redis-server will stop all the clients, and then one persistence action will be performed if the persistence has been enabled. Afterwards, it will clean the .pid file and socket file if there are any, and finally quit the process. By adopting this strategy, Redis does its best to prevent any data loss. Conversely, if the kill command is used rudely, to terminate the redis-server process, data may get lost because it has not been persisted before the server is shut down.

It should be noted that using kill or other process management tools to send a SIGTERM signal (15 signal) to the Redis process is basically equivalent to the shutdown command for gracefully stopping the redis-server.

There's more...

Configuration parameters can be added to the command redis-server while starting, which is quite useful when deploying multiple instances on a single host. We can have a single configuration file of common configuration parameters used by multiple instances on the same host. Meanwhile, the unique configuration parameters of each instance can be passed in the command line on startup. This way, the cost of maintaining multiple configuration files is eliminated, and instances can be distinguished easily via ps or other system commands.

In addition, you can manage your Redis instance using process management tools such as systemd, supervisord, or Monit, which can also prevent you from messing up when you deploy multiple instances on a single host. All we need to pay attention to are the startup configuration parameters mentioned previously and exit signal handling mechanisms.

See also

  • Refer to to learn more about how Redis handles various kinds of signals, especially finding out the slight but important differences among these signal handling mechanisms. Additionally, refer to for more details about gracefully shutting down a Redis instance.
  • For the process management tool to control the start up/shutdown of Redis, is an example for systemd configuration for a Redis Server.
  • Furthermore, you can refer to Chapter 6, Persistence for persistence of Redis.

Connecting to Redis with redis-cli

In the development and maintenance of Redis, the redis-cli in the bin directory is the most commonly used tool. This section gives a brief description of its usage so that readers can get a brief idea of how to connect to and use Redis with redis-cli.

Getting ready…

You need an up-and-running Redis Server, as we described in the Starting and shutting down Redis recipe in this chapter.

How to do it...

The steps for connecting to Redis using redis-cli down a Redis Server are as follows:

  1. Open a Terminal and connect to Redis with redis-cli:
$ bin/redis-cli>  

The pattern of the preceding prompt is IP:port, indicating redis-cli has connected to this Redis instance successfully.

  1. Send some simple commands for testing. More data types and features will be discussed in the following chapters.
  2. First, set two string key-value pairs: foo value1, bar value2:> set foo value1 
OK> set bar value2 
  1. After that, fetch the values we just set:> get foo 
"value1"> get bar 
  1. Finally, we terminate the Redis instance by sending the shutdown command:
$ bin/redis-cli> shutdown 
not connected>
  1. After shutting down, the Command Prompt changed to not connected. Then, we quit from redis-cli and make the connection again with redis-cli. The following error message will be shown:
not connected>quit 
$ bin/redis-cli  
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused 
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused 
not connected> 

How it works...

By default, redis-cli connects to a Redis instance running on localhost at default port 6379. You can also specify the hostname/IP address the Redis Server is running on with the -h option. Just make sure that the network connectivity between the redis-cli side and the Redis Server side has no problem.

redis-cli allows you to specify the port with the -p option, if your Redis Server is not running on the default port 6379. This option is also useful if you would like to connect to multiple Redis instances with different binding ports on the same host.

Also, if a Redis instance is protected by password, the -a option can be used to set the password when connecting to Redis.

In addition, if a Unix socket file is enabled in Redis, you can connect to the Redis Server simply by using the -s option.

There's more...

It is often necessary to do some data prototype verification before hooking up your application to Redis. redis-cli is a very useful tool for this. It provides an interactive command-line interface for you to quickly verify your data design. In the daily maintenance of Redis Server, redis-cli also offers a set of commands, including obtaining the metrics, manipulating system states, and performing configuration settings.

See also

  • Refer to Chapter 9, Administrating Redis for a more detailed discussion on how to manage a Redis instance with redis-cli

Getting server information

The most comprehensive and important information about a Redis instance can be obtained with redis-cli with the INFO command. In this section, we will see how to use the INFO command to fetch these essential statistics.

Getting ready…

You need an up-and-running Redis Server as we described in the Starting and shutting down Redis recipe in this chapter.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to get server information of Redis:

  1. Connect to a Redis instance and then use the INFO command:
$ bin/redis-cli> INFO 

The result looks as follows:

# Server 
# Clients 
# Memory 

# Persistence 

# Stats 

# Replication 

# CPU 

# Cluster 
  1. You can select a specific section by adding an optional <section> parameter.

For example, you will get the memory metrics by sending INFO memory in redis-cli:

  1. Another way to get information from a Redis instance is by using redis-cli INFO directly in a shell command line. In this way, it is quite handy for piping the output to a script for metrics analysis or performance monitoring.

How it works...

The INFO command gives you all the current Redis metrics and the pattern of each metric is metric-name: metric-value, which can be easily parsed afterwards.

The following table summarizes the description of each section returned by INFO:

Section name



Basic information about the Redis Server


Status and metrics of client connections


Overall memory consumption metrics


Data persistence related states and metrics


General statistics


Status and metrics of master-slave replication


CPU consumption


Status of Redis Cluster


Database related statistics

There's more…

It is a common practice to build a Redis monitor application by getting information from the INFO command periodically.

See also

  • Refer to the Health checkingin Redis, Troubleshooting latency issues, and Troubleshooting memory issues sections in Chapter 10, Troubleshooting Redis for more detailed use of INFO for Redis maintenance operation and troubleshooting
  • You can further refer to, which lists the meanings of all the metrics returned by INFO

Understanding the Redis Event Model

Redis, known for its high performance, makes the most of a single thread, non-blocking I/O model to process requests rapidly. Therefore, understanding the event model of Redis is essential. As a taster for readers to understand the model, this recipe first shows an echo server demo program built on the asynchronous event library of Redis (ae library). Then we provide important insights into the event processing model of Redis by analyzing the core snippet of source code in Redis.

This recipe includes a lot of C programming practices. So if you feel unfamiliar with the C language, you can skip this recipe if you wish and it won't bother you too much as you read along.

Getting ready…

This recipe involves source code building and debugging. So you need to finish the Downloading and installing Redis recipe in this chapter first. For better illustration, an IDE that supports the C programming language is needed. The IDE we use here is CLion in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.3 LTS. While the CLion IDE is not free, a 30-days free trial is enough for us.

You should also prepare the C compiler and development environment. In Ubuntu, you can issue the following command to install the related packages:

$ sudo get update && apt-get install build-essential 

After installation, you should make sure the version of CMake is 3.5 or above:

$ cmake --version 
cmake version 3.5.1 
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware ( 

How to do it...

To understand the Redis Event Model, take the following steps:

  1. Untar the source code package of Redis and build some required dependencies manually rather than using CMake:
~$ mkdir coding; cd coding 
~/coding$ tar xzvf redis-4.0.1.tar.gz 
~/coding$ cd redis-4.0.1/deps/ 
~/coding/redis-4.0.1/deps$ make lua linenoise hiredis 

The following screenshot indicates the dependencies have been built successfully:

  1. Download the CLion IDE and untar the package to /redis/coding/:
~/coding$ wget 
~/coding$ tar zxvf CLion-2017.2.2.tar.gz 
  1. Download the demo program package for redis-server building and debugging.
  1. Untar it into the redis-4.0.1 directory:
~/coding$ tar xzvf echodemo.tar.gz -C redis-4.0.1/ 

Make sure the following files, CMakeLists.txt and echodemo exist in the redis-4.0.1 directory:

  1. Log in to the Ubuntu desktop and open a Terminal to start CLion:
~/coding/clion-2017.2.2$ bin/ 
  1. After accepting the license, you must make sure that the CMake and debugger are both ready as in the following following:

  1. Continue with the default options until you reach the following screenshot:
  1. Click Import Project from Sources and select the redis-4.0.1 sub-directory in the coding directory.
  2. Click the OK button and then select Open Project to open a Redis project.
  3. Choose the Build All configuration in the upper-right corner and click the Run button:

Ignore the error of not specifying an executable target, and click Run.

The following logs show you have managed to build both the echo-server/client demo program and redis-server (my-redis-server in this example):

/redis/coding/clion-2017.2.2/bin/cmake/bin/cmake --build /redis/coding/redis-4.0.1/cmake-build-debug --target all -- -j 6 
Scanning dependencies of target ae 
Scanning dependencies of target my-redis-server 
[  1%] Building C object CMakeFiles/ae.dir/src/zmalloc.c.o 
[ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/blocked.c.o 
Scanning dependencies of target echo-server 
[ 25%] Built target echo-server 
[ 26%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/config.c.o 
[ 31%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/defrag.c.o 
[ 32%] Linking C executable echo-client 
[ 32%] Built target echo-client 
[ 98%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/zmalloc.c.o 
[100%] Linking C executable my-redis-server 
[100%] Built target my-redis-server 
  1. In case you want to use the command line in the first place to compile the demo, you can perform the following steps:
/redis/coding/redis-4.0.1$ cmake 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /redis/coding/redis-4.0.1
/redis/coding/redis-4.0.1$ make
Scanning dependencies of target my-redis-server
[ 1%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/adlist.c.o
[ 2%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/ae.c.o
[ 85%] Building C object CMakeFiles/my-redis-server.dir/src/zmalloc.c.o
[ 86%] Linking C executable my-redis-server
[ 86%] Built target my-redis-server
Scanning dependencies of target ae
[ 92%] Built target ae
Scanning dependencies of target echo-server
[ 96%] Built target echo-server
Scanning dependencies of target echo-client
[100%] Built target echo-client
  1. You can find echo-server, echo-client, and my-redis-server in the cmake-build-debug directory under redis-4.0.1:
  1. Choose the echo-server configuration in the upper-right corner, and click the right arrow button to get it running:
  1. Open a Terminal and then connect to the echo-server using nc (Netcat):
~/coding/redis-4.0.1/cmake-build-debug$ nc 8000 
  1. The message Hello Client! will be printed out when the server has started successfully:

The server logs the connection:

  1. Type Hello, please echo! in nc and press Enter to send it out. The same message will be echoed back:

On the server side, it logs the data, which will be sent back to the client later:

  1. Open another Terminal and then make another connection to the echo-server. A similar result will be obtained on both nc and server side, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. You can debug this server if you wish:
  1. You can build and debug redis-server (called my-redis-server in this example) to dig into the source code in almost the same way as the echo-server example. The only thing you have to change is to select the my-redis-server run/debug configuration profile:

How it works...

As mentioned earlier, Redis takes great advantage of the non-blocking, multiplexing I/O model in its main processing single thread, although there are some circumstances where Redis spawns threads or child processes to perform certain tasks.

Redis contains a simple but powerful asynchronous event library called ae to wrap different operating system's polling facilities, such as epoll, kqueue, select, and so on.

So what's a polling facility of an operating system? Let's take a real-life scenario to illustrate it. Imagine you have ordered five dishes in a restaurant. You have to fetch your dishes by yourself at a waiting window, and you want to get them as soon as possible once the dishes get done because you are hungry. You may have three strategies for this scenario:

  • You walk to the waiting window all by yourself from time to time in a short period to check whether each dish in the order list is ready.
  • You hire five people. Each person walks to the waiting window for you to check whether one of the dishes you ordered is ready.
  • You just sit at the table, waiting for the notification. The restaurant provides a dish-ready notification service for free which means that the waiter will tell you which dish is ready, once a dish gets done. When you get the notification, you fetch it by yourself.

Considering the time and efforts it takes, the third option is the best one, obviously.

The polling facility of an operating system works in a similarly way as the third option does. For the simplicity of this section, we only take the epoll API in Linux as an example. First, you can call epoll_create to tell the kernel that you would like to use epoll. Then, you call epoll_ctl to tell the kernel the file descriptors (FD) and what type of event you're interested in when an update occurs. After that, epoll_wait gets called to wait for certain events of the FDs you set in epoll_ctl. The kernel will send a notification to you when the FDs get updated. The only thing you have to do is to create handlers for certain events.

The whole multiplexing process is shown as follows:

I/O multiplexing model

The ae library in Redis basically follows the preceding procedure to process the requests. In the echo-server example, we create an event loop by calling aeCreateEventLoop firstly. Then a TCP server is built via anetTcpServer for network binding and listening. We call anetNonBlock to set the non-block I/O action for this socket FD. After that, we specify the acceptance event handler acceptProc for the socket FD using the event loop created in aeCreateEventLoop. Once a TCP connection is established, the server will trigger the action in acceptProc. In acceptProc, we use anetTcpAccept to accept the connection request and register readable events of the socket FD for readProc. Then readProc gets called, in which we read the data sent to the server and register the writable event of the socket FD. The event loop then receives the writable event to fire the writeProc to send back the data to the socket client.

Redis works in pretty much the same way as this echo-server does. In the main function of server.c, aeCreateEventLoop, anetTcpServer, and anetNonBlock get called in the initServer method to initialize the server:

The acceptance handler is also set in the initServer method, as the following screenshot shows:

Once the server is initialized, the aeMain method gets called:

In the aeMain method, asProcessEvents is called to process the events continuously:

There's more...

It's clear that no thread or sub-process spawns or interacts in the polling process. Therefore, the key benefit of this model is that it's a light context switch I/O model, so that it's not costly for context switching. A number of limitations need to be considered for this processing model. The most common problem you may encounter is latency. In the polling model, Redis won't process any other commands until the one being processed finishes. So keep in mind from now on that an unexpected latency will be the first headache for you when using Redis.

Other polling methods, such as poll, select, and so on, are not discussed here due to the limited area. If you are working on platforms other than Linux, you can debug the source code to learn more about the polling facility on that platform.

See also

  • Refer to the Identifying slow operations/queries using SLOWLOG and Troubleshooting latency issues, sections in Chapter 10, Troubleshooting Redis, for more detailed approaches to Redis latency troubleshooting
  • Refer to Appendix, Windows Environment Setup if you want to build and debug the source code in Windows
  • You can also further refer to the following links:
  • If you are working on operating systems other than Ubuntu, you can refer to to install CMake

Understanding the Redis protocol

As we described in the previous recipe, Redis is merely a non-blocking, I/O multiplexing TCP server that accepts and processes requests from clients. In other words, in spite of the complexity within the Redis Server, you can talk to Redis over the TCP connection in various languages. The term protocol stands for the language used between a server and a client in the networking communication. As for Redis, REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) is the protocol. In this recipe, we'll see how the RESP works in Redis.

One thing should be noted: Even at first glance, it's a little bit advanced for a beginner to go through this recipe. However, we do believe that learning the RESP, as basic knowledge, is not that difficult and it will be of benefit to you, in that understanding the various kinds of clients and proxies implemented in different programming languages will no longer be a mystery to you.

Of course, you can skip this recipe if you like and it won't bother you too much when reading the following chapters.

Getting ready…

You need an up-and-running Redis Server, as we described in the Starting and shutting down Redis recipe in this chapter.

The tool, netcat (nc) should be installed. In this recipe, we have the nc command in Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS for netcat. You can use Cygwin to install netcat if you work under Windows.

How to do it...

To understand the Redis protocol, take the following steps:

  1. Send the PING command to the Redis Server with netcat:

Instead of sending the command PING in redis-cli, let's build the command using RESP:

$ echo -e "*1\r\n\$4\r\nPING\r\n" | nc 6379


  1. Use the SET and INCR commands to set an integer and increase it by one:
$ echo -e "*3\r\n\$3\r\nset\r\n\$5\r\nmykey\r\n\$1\r\n1\r\n" | nc 6379
$ echo -e "*2\r\n\$4\r\nINCR\r\n\$5\r\nmykey\r\n" | nc 6379

You may encounter the following error when you send a non-existent command:

$ echo -e "*2\r\n\$3\r\ngot\r\n\$3\r\nfoo\r\n" | nc 6379
-ERR unknown command 'got'

Multi-commands can be combined and sent to the Redis Server in a single network transmission:

$ echo -e "*3\r\n\$3\r\nset\r\n\$3\r\nfoo\r\n\$3\r\nbar\r\n*2\r\n\$3\r\nget\r\n\$3\r\nfoo\r\n" | nc 6379

How it works...

There is a big chance that you will go through these commands in tremendous confusion. As we stated in the Getting ready section in this recipe, these commands are the language in which the Redis Server and client talk to each other. It's easy for you to learn them in that there are only five types in RESP.

Let's take a look at each command.

First, we sent *1\r\n\$4\r\nPING\r\n to the Redis Server. The command begins with an asterisk indicating this is an arrays type.

Look at the following:

  • 1 stands for the size of this array.
  • \r\n (CRLF) is the terminator of each part in RESP.
  • The backslash before $4 is the escape character for the $ sign. $4 tells you that the following is a bulk string type of four characters long.
  • PING is the string itself.
  • +PONG is the string the PING command returned. The plus sign tells you that it's a simple string type.

The next type we talk about is the integer type. Look at :2, which is the result returned by the INCR command. The colon before the number indicates this is an integer.

Sometimes, the server may return an error type message beginning with a minus when a non-existent command has been processed, such as the got command shown previously.

In addition, for the consideration of performance, you may send multiple commands in a single call to the Redis Server using RESP.

To sum up, the client sends commands to a Redis Server as a RESP array of bulk strings. Then the server replies with one of the five aforementioned RESP types accordingly.

See also


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Key benefits

  • Build, deploy and administer high performance and scalable applications in Redis
  • Covers a range of important tasks - including development and administration of Redis
  • A practical guide that takes your understanding of Redis to the next level


Redis is considered the world's most popular key-value store database. Its versatility and the wide variety of use cases it enables have made it a popular choice of database for many enterprises. Based on the latest version of Redis, this book provides both step-by-step recipes and relevant the background information required to utilize its features to the fullest. It covers everything from a basic understanding of Redis data types to advanced aspects of Redis high availability, clustering, administration, and troubleshooting. This book will be your great companion to master all aspects of Redis. The book starts off by installing and configuring Redis for you to get started with ease. Moving on, all the data types and features of Redis are introduced in detail. Next, you will learn how to develop applications with Redis in Java, Python, and the Spring Boot web framework. You will also learn replication tasks, which will help you to troubleshoot replication issues. Furthermore, you will learn the steps that need to be undertaken to ensure high availability on your cluster and during production deployment. Toward the end of the book, you will learn the topmost tasks that will help you to troubleshoot your ecosystem efficiently, along with extending Redis by using different modules.

What you will learn

  • [*]Install and configure your Redis instance
  • [*]Explore various data types and commands in Redis
  • [*]Build client-side applications as well as a Big Data framework with Redis
  • [*]Manage data replication and persistence in Redis
  • [*]Implement high availability and data sharding in Redis
  • [*]Extend Redis with Redis Module
  • [*]Benchmark, debug, fine-tune and troubleshoot various issues in Redis

Product Details

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Publication date, Length, Edition, Language, ISBN-13
Publication date : Feb 28, 2018
Length 382 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781783988167
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Product Details

Publication date : Feb 28, 2018
Length 382 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781783988167
Category :

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Table of Contents

21 Chapters
Title Page Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Dedication Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Packt Upsell Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Foreword Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Contributors Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Getting Started with Redis Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Data Types Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Data Features Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Developing with Redis Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Replication Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Persistence Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Setting Up High Availability and Cluster Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Deploying to a Production Environment Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Administrating Redis Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Troubleshooting Redis Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Extending Redis with Redis Modules Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
12. The Redis Ecosystem Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
13. Windows Environment Setup Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
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