I remember the main character stole his father necklace then went surfing and got sent to another world. I believe he became a pirate after that and some how have a magic sword that can talk. He also has a girl companion who is really good at fighting and has pink or purple hair

  • 10
    2016 is "old" now? I swear...
    – Valorum
    Commented Jul 21 at 14:51
  • My name is Guybrush Threepwood, and I want to be a pirate!
    – AJM
    Commented Jul 22 at 12:38

1 Answer 1


Could this be Zak Storm (2016)?

When teenager Zak Storm takes his father's necklace and goes surfing, he is suddenly sucked by a giant wave and ends up in the Bermuda Triangle where he is picked up by a sentient pirate ship called the Chaos with a talking sword named Calabrass. He discovers that the necklace contains a gem called the Eye of Beru, which gives him special powers, and that in order to return home, he needs to become the captain of the Chaos and unite the Seven Seas. He assembles a band of misfits: a ghost boy, an Atlantean princess, a Viking, and a space alien.

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