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Questions tagged [artificial-intelligence]

For questions about Artificial intelligence (AI) in science fiction. AI is the ability of constructed devices to think and/or feel for themselves. In science fiction, stories focus on the perils or helpfulness of artificial intelligence. (This tag is for questions about AI in science fiction works only. For general questions about developing AI, please visit instead.)

13 votes
0 answers

Mankind fighting AI coming on asteroid from outer space

I would like to ask you for help identifying a rather short story or novel (maybe short series). I believe I was reading it somewhere on internet and it may have been an amateur author publication or ...
LQd's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

A SF novel where a very poor girl finds a "talking book" meant for daughters of extremely rich people [duplicate]

I read this novel more than 30 years ago. It begins with a (orphaned ?) little girl who lives in the streets finding a weird book. It talks, and is probably AI. IIRC, it is one extra illegal copy of a ...
Alfred's user avatar
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15 votes
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Short story about a spaceship AI that keeps rebooting itself after rediscovering the truth of its situation

I'm trying to find the title and author of a short story I read some 10 years ago, probably in some short story collection. I don't think it's well known; in any event I haven't managed to find it ...
linuxspice's user avatar
15 votes
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Sci-fi book with a part-human, part-machine protagonist who lives for centuries to witness robots gain sentience and wage war on humans

I vaguely remember a sci-fi book I read with a long saga that starts with a human explorer who is fatally injured in a ship explosion and is then kept alive by being turned into a half-mechanical ...
Sima's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Looking for a short story with robot judges

I'm researching current developments in AI & Law, including aspects that have been fictionalised. I came across a Reddit thread a few months ago, I think, where someone mentioned a short story (or ...
Jonas Zaugg's user avatar
12 votes
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Robot tv show I saw in the 90s, teen inherits self aware robots

If I recall correctly this show was on TV as a Saturday morning cartoon in New Zealand in the early-mid 90s. The protagonist was a teen who had inherited his father's collection of robots; this was ...
Ash's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why wasn't the Daystrom M-5 kept as an AI assistant?

The Ultimate Computer shows the faults of the Daystorm M-5. When given total control over a ship, it tends to do bad things. However, that same episode shows that it's perfectly capable of making ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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10 votes
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A short novel in French about a computer able to analyse a text to extract its essential meaning. Not Asimov's "Foundation"

I read this rather short novel more than 40 years ago. It was in French, in a slim paperback, definitely the original, not a translation. It was about a computer that was able to analyse written text (...
Alfred's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Book about machinery at a long-abandoned mining colony that develops AI to keep mining

I think the book may have been one of the Endymion series by Dan Simmons. This story is a small part of a larger story. It takes place on a long-abandoned mining colony. Over thousands of years, the ...
user175106's user avatar
3 votes
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Sci-fi novel with a side character who created children within virtual reality and whose human life/body wasted away

I’ve been trying to remember what book this is from for years and I have not been able to figure it out. This isn’t the main character of the book but more of a cautionary tale/side character, perhaps ...
Erin J's user avatar
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2 votes
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Book about an unmanned war machine inventor blackmailed into coding a backdoor into the software

With the advent of AI and the threat of AI-controlled battle, I recall reading a story about an inventor who gathered a team to build unmanned tanks. In the story, the lead programmer slowly goes ...
JohnG's user avatar
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11 votes
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Book series. Humans have made contact with many, interacting alien species. Female protagonist marries junkyard owner, with dog, on space station

Several books, with same setting and characters. Read online, recently, after 2017. The junkyard is on a spacestation owned and run by an AI. More recently created AIs have robot bodies. The dog gets ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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8 votes
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Short story. Humans and machines have co-operated in peace and prosperity on Earth for hundreds of years. Aliens attack and begin slaughtering humans

I read this short story since 2010 but it seemed very old, maybe seventy years old from the language used. Humans had invented robots and super intelligent computers. Neither the word robot nor ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the book series about a space witch trained by AI? [closed]

The girl gets in to a training course to become part of a planet wide exercise to train children. Learns magic from the central AI who builds up companies and teams to heal the world and go into space....
Sarahann's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Old short story about a group of authors who write using a machine AI [duplicate]

A long time ago (maybe in the 70's?) I read a short story where humanity and aliens were in contact, and the only thing they wanted was Earth fiction. So many people became authors, and were using ...
Larf's user avatar
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