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12 votes
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Robot tv show I saw in the 90s, teen inherits self aware robots

If I recall correctly this show was on TV as a Saturday morning cartoon in New Zealand in the early-mid 90s. The protagonist was a teen who had inherited his father's collection of robots; this was ...
Ash's user avatar
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Cartoon episode where the heroes (a dude and a blue skinned/haired alien girl) are inside a robot and have to destroy it from the inside to get out

I have this very old memory of an episode from a cartoon where our two heroes, a human guy and a blue alien girl, are inside of a giant robot which is hunting them and they have to react a part of it ...
Humanoid Pineapple's user avatar
3 votes
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Cartoon series that I watched around 2005 with red robotic humans in white masks

If they took off their masks and pushed a button on their temples, they died/deactivated. Can't remember anything else, but they where expendable, so literally "redshirts".
BlaiseSmith's user avatar
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Cartoon where small robots came out of bigger ones and fought to decide the battle

I'm looking for a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid in the late '80s / early '90s. The story was there were some friends and there was a (?) bad guy trying to win the robot battle against them. ...
Gergely's user avatar
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7 votes
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Cartoon show from the early 2000s about a rookie cop in a world where everyone is a robot shaped as a sphere

I'm trying to find a cartoon show from the early 2000s, that's similar to the Pac-Man cartoon in regards to animation. It's about this rookie cop in a world where everyone is a robot shaped as a ...
Lancaster's user avatar
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Sci-fi cartoon about robots, wars, virtual scenarios and space

I only remember these facts from the series: Humanity is getting enslaved by another race whom seem similar to the human race Both groups use robots in combat Enemy uses technology, like a virtual ...
VVKK's user avatar
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13 votes
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Looking for the name of an anime where the robot head is also an airplane

Looking for the name of an anime where the robot/mecha was also an airplane. The pilot (white uniform) would typically fly the plane to fight the bad guys then there would be a scene where the plane ...
Will's user avatar
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Old cartoon with a red? robot in a desert and a girl

I don't remember much except for a few scenes and it's been bugging me for a few years, because I think it had a really interesting story line; I just don't remember it. It was a show I watched on TV ...
eagerlylooking's user avatar
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2000s Chinese animation where lightning strikes a boy's house, and he finds himself inside the world of the computer game he was playing

I remembered watching a Chinese cartoon series about 10 years ago and it was probably made in the 2000s. The story is about a boy that was playing on his computer late at night and lightning struck ...
Reg L's user avatar
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Cartoon about robots that are controlled by humans

The plot is that a team of 3 people a girl, a boy, and a short man with a funny haircut control robots and fight against a white alien that too can control robots. In the beginning I remember there ...
Imatabil's user avatar
3 votes
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Short animation about two boys sent by some "robotic teacher" to the desert for trials

I think the animation was made back in the USSR, so possibly before 1990, maybe in 197x-198x. Russian language. Duration is about 10 minutes, possibly B&W. Seen on TV. One of the boys is a good ...
Yaroslav  Kornachevskyi's user avatar
5 votes
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Pre '96 cartoon: boy remote controls white robot

So this has haunted me for 20+ years. I turned on the television, ca 1995 I guess, and saw this cartoon where a male character, a teen I think, controls this huge white robot whith a joystick. The ...
user3532232's user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

1980s or 1990s animated film featuring robots or mechs, an abandoned city with skyscrapers, and a desert-like setting with a cliff

There was a film I had on VCR when I was a kid that must have been from around the 1980s or 1990s. I watched it dozens of times and it had some very large robots that I vaguely think could have been ...
KristoBisto's user avatar
3 votes
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Cartoon where a little kid controls a huge robot which used to be small toy using glove

I remember a poor kid (main lead) who can't afford that much studies which rich kid. He saw a toy and wants to play with it. The rich kid broke it and threw it away but he took it from the trash tries ...
Rasheed's user avatar
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80s mecha anime about a boy and a girl with bunny ears

A boy gets a gun and a disc with a star on it from an old man. He shoots it into the ground, the disc makes a circle, and a robot emerges from the ground. The boy is inside a robot and controls it by ...
Aleksandar Postin's user avatar

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