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Questions tagged [prehistoric]

Refers to a time before recorded history, i.e. before the appearance of the written word (which occurred around 8000 BC).

5 votes
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Vintage Cartoon - Dinosaur Cave River

I am trying to identify a cartoon I saw many years ago, where a group of people are rafting down a river in a prehistoric cave. There were dinosaurs on the shore. If I remember right, the river ...
user186884's user avatar
8 votes
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Book in which prehistoric hominids have engineered space travel machines that can fly close to light speed. A group travels to ancient Egypt

I have forgotten both the author's name and the title of this book and would love to read it again. The hominids, who have some dinosaur-like features, are highly technically advanced. They detect a ...
Ferguss's user avatar
  • 81
16 votes
1 answer

Short story about a prehistoric man discovering either salt, garlic or onions for cooking

It takes place in a prehistoric era. The man is sick to death of the meat he's been eating and he discovers that adding something (onions, garlic, or salt - I can't remember) makes it appetizing again....
Benny Ace's user avatar
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Short story that reminds me of 65 movie premise [duplicate]

Read this one decades ago, and could have been written earlier. Could have been in an Asimov anthology as I was going through a pretty major sci fi/short story phase. At any rate, it’s about the crew ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 71
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Old TV show/cartoon about a prehistoric boy and his pet dinosaur

It was set in the stone age. The boy was part of a tribe, they had rituals (I remember fire ants being a part of the "becoming a man" ritual.) The boy had a pet dinosaur, I believe it was ...
user2254742's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Movie involving a drilling machine on tank tracks and people who end up in a forgotten, prehistoric land

The movie was about adventures or a scientist that built a machine which had tank tracks and a drill. They ended up in a forgotten, prehistoric land. They had a hunter with them that chose to stay at ...
Damien's user avatar
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First story in which apparent prehistoric people live in a post-apocalyptic world?

Another question was posted that asked about one such story and it was rightly pointed out that there are many such stories. What I am interested in is a specific thing: The first story in which at ...
releseabe's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Did the First Slayer face Turok-Han?

"As Neanderthals are to humans, so the Turok-Han are to vampires." So says Giles in Season 7 of Buffy. I'm wondering, do we have a timeline on the Turok-Han's presence on the Earth? Actual ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
  • 38.6k
6 votes
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What SciFi series(?) of books features humans time traveling into prehistory where an alien race is already in residence? [duplicate]

There is no return for the humans. I seem to remember that the humans and aliens find a way to get on, or I could be wrong. A small house in the Camargue of France is the link between the present and ...
Ray H's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Pre-Historic Time Travel Short Story

I read a short story around 1989 in which a man somewhere in Europe (London/Paris maybe) sent a pocket watch somewhere (in time) and it came back a few minutes later rusted. The man decided to send ...
Cvance74's user avatar
  • 181
11 votes
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Short story set during the neolithic / agricultural revolution

I'm trying to track down a short story I read, on paper, at some point between (very approximately) 1980 and 2000. It was set during the neolithic (aka first agricultural) revolution, the "wide-...
AakashM's user avatar
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2 time traveling young men

I read this book ages ago, probably in the 60s: Two young men go back in time to prehistoric times. I can't remember how they got there, but they meet up with a young man from a tribe of people and ...
Gail's user avatar
  • 31
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Short story about meeting different intelligent species that have all evolved on Earth

Please help find a short story that deals with the following: Human time travellers go back to the time of the dinosaurs. I cannot remember if they encounter intelligent dinosaurs, but they do meet up ...
user14488's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Fantasy story about Neanderthals having moon magic

I'm trying to remember the title of a fantasy novel I read about 15-20 years ago that featured both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. The Neanderthals had a magical connection to the land and some form ...
Matthew Frederick's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

A book series about a Prehistoric Man versus Intelligent Reptilians [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Trying to Remember a Book that explored evolution of Dinosaurs to intelligence and then encountering humans In this series prehistoric man is constantly fighting a reptilian ...
OpensaurusRex's user avatar

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