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How do I make multiple 2D lights in OpenGL look good

I am making a 2D top-down game using LWJGL. I have implemented multiple point lights using shaders but they don´t look good. Or they do look good until the lights meet. I will put screenshots and the ...
Philliam's user avatar
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Rotating Y axis to flip Texture facing inverts X axis

I want to rotate my sprites (applying the rotation to the transformation matrix) along the Y axis to flip the direction of the sprite. But it somehow seems like it also affects my inputs system... ...
Amaury Le Roux Dupeyron's user avatar
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How is glReadPixels work in OpenGL/LWJGL?

I'm trying to make a 2d collision detection system for my game in java/LWJGL/OpenGL. My problem is the glReadPixels() acting strange and I don't know what am I doing wrong. The problem is usually it ...
pocokknight1's user avatar
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Fastest way to render 2D tiles using LWJGL?

I started watching these tutorials for creating a 2d top-down game using LWJGL and I read that VBO's should be fast but for rendering 48*48 tiles per frame I get only about 100FPS which is pretty slow ...
Teodor Vecerdi's user avatar
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OpenGL 2D projection matrix not drawing anything

I am using OpenGL for 2D rendering and would like to use actual pixel coordinates. By this, I mean that I would like (0,0) to be in the top left of the window, and (width,height) to be in the bottom ...
rodit's user avatar
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JOGL won't draw 2D triangle [duplicate]

I've been looking into openGL recently (specifically JOGL) and have had some trouble with a simple triangle program. All I have is an array of vertices which I pass to a VBO for openGL to draw. ...
Everthings's user avatar
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OpenGL 2D collision detection isn't working

I have a 2D OpenGL game which I am trying to implement aabb collision detection in. Here is the collision detection code: boolean collisionX = position.x + size.x + dx >= collision.position.x &...
Dylan Deshler's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to implement frustum culling in a 2d tile based game? (in a Orthographic View)

I'm making a 2d tiled base game, in which when I render many tiles, the fps goes down drastically. I know why this is happening, its because many objects are being rendered at once. I need to ...
Sam Kapoor's user avatar
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Weird result when trying to draw a semi-transparent square over 1 of the 6 buttons in an ArrayList

So I Have an ArrayList of buttons that I created, for the most part they work fine except this one thing. I'll go through the steps to reach the part that is giving me problems. The ArrayList ...
tkap1's user avatar
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LibGdx ShaderProgram for water break my graphic code

I'm making a 2D game in libGDX. And it's run well, and look like that : Now i'm looking for some water renderer, and I've found some amazing stuff : tutorial, and it's run well. But, when I renderer ...
pikameuh's user avatar
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Java: How to scale 2D graphics with LWJGL to fit different resolutions

I'm currently in the process of learning the LWJGL (2.9.3) library for a game engine I'm making. Everything in the engine is running fine so far, except for one thing: different resolutions. I started ...
apetro343's user avatar
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Rendering a textured quad not working

So, I'm making a 2D game using lwjgl, and rendering a textured quad won't work. I have 3 textures, names are : DirtTexture.png, GrassTexture.png, WaterTexture.png All are located inside of the "res"...
Happy Crayfish's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java 2d Library - Sprite Color Key Support

I'm building a 2d game with box2d and opengl. Turns out, opengl does not support color keying (removing the background color of a sprite). This is obviously ridiculous and any half-decent, 2d library ...
dunworray's user avatar
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java.awt.Graphics -> graphics.drawImage is too slow, what is wrong?

I'd like to program a 2D game engine. The problem i have (i don#t use opengl and stuff like that, so i render with cpu) is, that i only get 7fps through the graphics.drawImage(); Do you have any ...
Alexander Schaefer's user avatar
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Render Fog-Of-War on 2d tilemap

I am currently creating a small 2d-game with lwjgl. I tried to figure out a way of implementing a Fog-Of-War. I used a black backgound with alpha set to 0.5. Then I added a Square, to set alpha to 1 ...
red13's user avatar
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