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Cache-optimized way to process collisions between all pairs of objects in two arrays

I am working on the hitbox collision system for a game. I have two arrays of convex objects that I need to check for collisions between objects in opposite lists (M hitboxes vs N hurtboxes). I am ...
Sir Nate's user avatar
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Pimpl idiom without pointer indirection?

I'm developing a C++ API and I want to hide private implementation details from the public interface. Currently, I'm employing the Pimpl idiom for this purpose. However, I'm also mindful of minimizing ...
ehopperdietzel's user avatar
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Do different ways of initializing a Vec<T> create different memory layout?

fn main() { let vec0 = vec![0; 10]; let mut vec1 = vec![]; for _ in 0..10 { vec1.push(0); } assert_eq!(vec0.len(), vec1.len()); } In this example, vec0 and vec1 are ...
Rahn's user avatar
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Can a custom allocator improve cache locality for lists?

This is a rather hypothetical question. I only have limited knowledge about how the cpu cache works. I know a cpu loads subsequent bytes into the cache. Since a list uses pointers/indirection into ...
Raildex's user avatar
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Cache Locality - weight of TLB, Cache Lines, and ...?

From my understanding the constructs which give rise to the high level concept of "cache locality" are the following: Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) for virtual memory translation. ...
gmaggiol's user avatar
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Why is inserting sorted keys into std::set so much faster than inserting shuffled keys?

I was accidentally surprised to found that inserting sorted keys into std::set is much much faster than inserting shuffled keys. This is somewhat counterintuitive since a red-black tree (I verified ...
Leon Cruz's user avatar
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Cache misses when accessing an array in nested loop

So I have this question from my professor, and I can not figure out why vector2 is faster and has less cache misses than vector1. Assume that the code below is a valid compilable C code. Vector2: void ...
Pengibaby's user avatar
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Determining optimal block size for blocked matrix multiplication

I am trying to implement blocked (tiled) matrix multiplication on a single processor. I have read the literature on why blocking improves memory performance, but I just wanted to ask how to determine ...
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Improving cache locality of binary search by doing local linear search?

Binary search of a sorted array may have poor cache locality, due to random access of memory, but linear search is slow for a large array. Is it possible to design a hybrid algorithm? For example, you ...
felix's user avatar
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Cache locality considerations

I have been trying to get better awareness of cache locality. I produced the 2 code snippets to gain better understanding of the cache locality characteristics of both. vector<int> v1(1000, some ...
roulette01's user avatar
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Detect whether a cache line is reused due to spatial or temporal locality

Is there a practical tool to detect whether a cache line is reused (a cache miss is avoided) due to either spatial or temporal locality? I could not find a related discussion in cachegrind. I was able ...
Kadir's user avatar
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In Apache Spark, how to make a task to always execute on the same machine?

In its simplest form, RDD is merely a placeholder of chained computations that can be arbitrarily scheduled to be executed on any machine: val src = sc.parallelize(0 to 1000) val rdd = src....
tribbloid's user avatar
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Importance of padding in Dynamic Memory Allocation

I am trying to implement a heap (implicit free list with header/footer) and deciding on whether I should add padding to it. What are the tangible benefits of adding pads? I read that it somehow ...
Silver Flash's user avatar
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Understanding data cache locality in mips code

I have been browsing stackoverflow could not really find a example regarding to this one. I understand the concept of Temporal and Spatial locality for data cache: Temporarl locality: address ...
nihulus's user avatar
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How to benchmark random access with JMH?

I was trying to observe the effects of CPU cache spatial locality by benchmarking sequential/random reads to an array with JMH. Interestingly, the results are almost the same. So I wonder, is this ...
pistolPanties's user avatar

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