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Create mTLS Connection between NGINX and Tomcat

I have a Java application that requires a client certificate to authorize backend calls (note: this application is provided to us, and we cannot modify it). When executing the command: curl --cert bla....
MrFeed's user avatar
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Certificate is not being accepted with Chrome version 128.X.X.X

I am using Selenium with Java to test a web application. When accessing the web app manually, I get a popup to select a certificate file. There is only 1 cert file in this popup, which is also ...
Hiruni Dahanayake's user avatar
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How to Use a Client Certificate for OAuth 2.0 in a Custom Connector in Power Automate?

I have an external API that requires OAuth 2.0 authentication, and part of this flow involves the use of a client certificate. The issue I'm facing is that when setting up a Custom Connector in Power ...
rohini patil's user avatar
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New HTTPClient client certificate authentication

How can I use the new HTTPClient to connect to a REST API that uses client certificate authentication? I need to connect to a REST API that requires client certificate authentication. I have tried the ...
Jason's user avatar
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Certificate authenthication for windows webdav client

I'm setting up a webdav server and I want to authenticate my client using client certificate. When I'm trying to add it as a network disk on windows, I get an error System error 59 has occurred. ...
Roman's user avatar
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nginx: make client verification optional but retrieve its Cert SN

I want to provide an endpoint that does not necessarily verify the client cert but does still retrieve its SN so that I can do something with that (i.e. check if the SN is in a list of allowed ones, ...
VanDahlen's user avatar
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How to install client certificate to Android

I have an MDM application for Android phones. I need to take the certificate from the Download folder and install it on Android. I have written a function to install it (correct me if this is wrong). ...
Ekatarina El's user avatar
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How to validate PFX certificate in each of SOAP API call using Jakartha in Java

I need to validate a SOAP API call with PFX certificate using jakartha API - SOAPConnection class call() I have tried to add the below by converting pfx fiel to jks using keytool -importkeystore -...
Manjunath B's user avatar
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C# ASP.NET Core 7 MVC web application with client certificate on some API calls

I have an ASP.NET Core 7 MVC web application that has full user authentication, but also has a couple of API endpoints. A need has arisen for us to allow authentication on those endpoints using client ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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.net 8.0 HttpClient getting error: "Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: HandshakeFailure"

I need to send https requests from .net console app running on Windows Server 2008 (nope, can't update :( ). Requests made by the app failed with the error: Autentication failed vecause the remote ...
Peter Mitko's user avatar
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OpenSSL Signing Errors due to configuration file and crypto/bio/bss_file

I've been struggling with creating an intermediate certificate authority on Windows 10/11 and using it to sign a non-OCSP end instrument certificate. The root CA can create and sign an end-instrument ...
tester8741's user avatar
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dotnet run command throws "system cannot find the path specified" exception for certificate

In implementing the "dotnet run" command in my vscode terminal, I keep getting the "system cannot find the path specified" exception, specifically for the certificate. Currently ...
Jazzwal's user avatar
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WCF Certificate Authentication works with all client certificates

I have followed and investigated a lot of tutorials online for creating a WCF service that uses certificate authentication to authenticate a client connecting to our WCF service with a certificate. So,...
Steve Bamelis's user avatar
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Why do I need the server certificate in my Azure Certificates store to use a Client Certificate?

I have a C# app, using HttpClient to connect to a remote server. The server owner has asked for Client Certificate authentication. I sent through the public key certificate to them, and loaded the ....
Simon Parker's user avatar
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I am getting TLS error while trying to connet to RabbitMQ

I want to set up certificate-based authentication with a RabbitMQ server and a .Net client. The TLS itself seems to be working, as connecting with openssl works: Connecting to ::1 CONNECTED(00000198) ...
ZorgoZ's user avatar
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