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Create mTLS Connection between NGINX and Tomcat

I have a Java application that requires a client certificate to authorize backend calls (note: this application is provided to us, and we cannot modify it). When executing the command: curl --cert bla....
MrFeed's user avatar
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nginx: make client verification optional but retrieve its Cert SN

I want to provide an endpoint that does not necessarily verify the client cert but does still retrieve its SN so that I can do something with that (i.e. check if the SN is in a list of allowed ones, ...
VanDahlen's user avatar
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How to validate PFX certificate in each of SOAP API call using Jakartha in Java

I need to validate a SOAP API call with PFX certificate using jakartha API - SOAPConnection class call() I have tried to add the below by converting pfx fiel to jks using keytool -importkeystore -...
Manjunath B's user avatar
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C# ASP.NET Core 7 MVC web application with client certificate on some API calls

I have an ASP.NET Core 7 MVC web application that has full user authentication, but also has a couple of API endpoints. A need has arisen for us to allow authentication on those endpoints using client ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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Why do I need the server certificate in my Azure Certificates store to use a Client Certificate?

I have a C# app, using HttpClient to connect to a remote server. The server owner has asked for Client Certificate authentication. I sent through the public key certificate to them, and loaded the ....
Simon Parker's user avatar
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I am getting TLS error while trying to connet to RabbitMQ

I want to set up certificate-based authentication with a RabbitMQ server and a .Net client. The TLS itself seems to be working, as connecting with openssl works: Connecting to ::1 CONNECTED(00000198) ...
ZorgoZ's user avatar
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How can a certificate chain be verified by two different CA certs?

I exported the certificate presented by and its has chaining as "GTS Root R1" -> "GTS CA 1C3" -> "*". I put "GTS CA 1C3 + *
robocop's user avatar
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Java SSLSocket find out if client sent a certificate

My application allows authenticated and non-authenticated TLS connections and in the code, I need to distinguish between them (just as in authenticated and non-authenticated HTTPS sessions). Is there ...
Andy Brunner's user avatar
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Best practices for client certificate authentication through intermediate server

I have a web application (React) that makes rest calls to a backend server (Spring boot). Depending on the request, the backend server may need to reach out to an external API that requires SSL ...
urico12's user avatar
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mTLS trust anchors deprecated in Keycloak?

We are using KC_HTTPS_TRUST_STORE_FILEto list the CA certificates for which KeyCloak should accept client certificates in mutual TLS. These are private CAs that are not in the trust store of the OS (...
LHMathies's user avatar
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Android WebView "handshake failed" issue on onReceivedClientCertRequest

We are developing an Android application where we embed our launchpad URL into a webview object. The problem is that we are keep getting below error whenever we try to sign in. E/chromium: [ERROR:...
Merve Gül's user avatar
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Is this a fine way of validating a client certificate

I need to do a validation of a client certificate, and I am a bit uncertain if I am doing it the right way. My strategy is: see if I can build a chain check the built chain, to see if it matches what ...
mslot's user avatar
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Cloudflare Origin Certificate configuration on Azure APIM

What I need to do: Ensure that traffic between Cloudflare and my origin server is encrypted with certificate + key. If not, connection should be refused with 403 I have generated certificate in the &...
AnonX's user avatar
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How to renew a custom hostname's custom certificate in Cloudflare

I am sorry if the title is confusing, but I have a problem. I am going to keep this as simple as possible. I have several custom hostnames in my zone in Cloudflare. Some of them are using SSL ...
Ali Hasan's user avatar
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Windows IIS failed to configure client certificates

I succeeded in adding the following configuration in the Nginx server, it works fine after I install the client certificate in the client side. ssl_client_certificate /home/test/clientkey/client....
Gordon's user avatar
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