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Using Invoke-PS2EXE to write WindowsForm PowerShell Script to EXE

I am having a dilemma with my PowerShell Script that I am trying to convert into a exe using Invoke-PS2EXE .\main.ps1 .\main.exe I then go run the exe, and I get this error: This is the raw script: #...
Jose Serra's user avatar
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Script with MSOL, AzureADPreview, and ExchangeOnlineManagement suddenly not working in EXE

I made a PowerShell script to process terminations for my company. It uses different modules such as MSOLOnline AzureADPreview and ExchangeOnlineManagement. I would then use ps2exe to convert it to an ...
Matt Dyck's user avatar
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Debugging dump file

I have created an small application in WPF and powershell and packaged to an exe to allow it to be used by other users. I have done this many times and they always seem to work fine. However this one ...
Kevlar's user avatar
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Start-Process working in current dir but not with absolute path

I am new to PowerShell and a bit confused right now. Here are two examples which, in my view, are supposed to work the same way. But it seems I am wrong. Example 1 : $ Get-Location Path ---- C:\Users\...
Tiranyk's user avatar
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Prevent new cmd window from closing

My questions are: How can I prevent a program that I execute in the cmd from opening and closing a second cmd window without changing the original source code? (I only have the .exe file) And: Is ...
Hikikomori's user avatar
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Passing a parameter to .exe, using powershell

there is a need to run a console application .exe, which does array sorting, through powershell 50 times to find out the average running time of the application. I want the input to the application to ...
mashiro ginca's user avatar
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PowerShell Admin execution with child items

I am running an installer using PowerShell. I called the script installer.ps1 which is called by another script as follows: #master.ps1 C:\\Path\\to\\script\\installer.ps1 -Verb Runas -PassThru |Out-...
EnlightenedFunky's user avatar
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Why can't my PowerShell script access a variable outside of a Click Event when compiled to exe?

I have a problem with using the Variable $AdmPSECMDComputerNameBox which is a Text Box Object in a Button Click Event when the script is compiled. It works fine when I run it in PowerShell itself but ...
FrozenNeko's user avatar
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How to uninstall a program for a specific user in PowerShell?

I have a program which is installed just for one user. I need to uninstall it through a PowerShell script. The program is installed on my machine by another application installer called Manager. Now, ...
Mina Maras's user avatar
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How to feed file data to an exe (executable) file in powershell [duplicate]

I had compiled a cpp (c++) file, which generated an executable (a.exe file) in Windows. In Linux, a.out file would be generated. I want to run the executable but I do not want to manually enter the ...
Abdulrahim Shaikh's user avatar
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Get-Content cannot take data from a file to input in a exe file

I have been trying to use Get-Content command in powershell to take inputs into my exe file which is complied from a cpp file, and it worked before, but recently it doesn't work. Get-Content path | ./...
Kevin OuO's user avatar
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Convert ps1 to exe and add parameters

Good day! I have a ps1 script with this first line: param ($path) I need it to execute some command at the end of the script like: .\file.exe $path I know this is working because if I execute the ...
jjquintero245's user avatar
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exe file puts error: "ps.1 not digitally signed"

I keep failing installing Teradici via installer exe file, and the error says: PCoIP Graphics Agent requires port 60443, but it is being used by process ". : File C:\Users\user\OneDrive\문서\...
MyBug18's user avatar
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"Publishing" a powershell script so it isn't detected as a virus

I have the following Powershell script: # Check if the script is running as admin $IsAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([...
Angency's user avatar
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.exe file opening Powershell Window

I made an .exe file using pyinstaller, but when I run the file it opens a PowerShell window as well. I was wondering if there is anyway I can get it to not open so I just have the python program open. ...
Keaden Knight's user avatar

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