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Prompt Gets Truncated Instead of Wrapping When Terminal Window Is Small Using Starship, Fish Shell and Terminator [closed]

When I resize my terminal window to be smaller, the prompt gets truncated with an ellipsis (...) instead of wrapping onto the next line. However, prompts that were already displayed before resizing ...
Udar's user avatar
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How to bind a key to just another key in fish

I am trying to bind the key sequence control-h (\ch in fish) to the right arrow key. I know how to bind it to backward-char with bind the normal way, but that poses an issue in my config, since I have ...
Vityou's user avatar
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Is there a way to have fish-shell use GNU coreutils printf function?

Ran into an issue when running the following command in a fish shell: ❯ printf '%q\n' 'André Previn & London Symphony Orchestra' %q: invalid conversion specification I hadn't realized at first ...
Drew Daniels's user avatar
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How to pipe on a condition in Fish?

See previous question, How to pipe on a condition in Bash. I'm interested in the same construct for Fish, i.e. shorthand for: set check 0 if test $check = 1     printf "foo\nbar\nbaz\n" | ...
user12638282's user avatar
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FISH Shell - Cannot `cd -` when extending builtin cd

I have a custom cd function that looks like: function cd -d "cd with auto conda activation" # set -gx OLDPWD (pwd) <-- uncommenting this does not resolve issue builtin cd $param $...
glass-ships's user avatar
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How to change the ssh connection shell of pycharm on windows to the default bash on the server?

I installed the fish shell on my server, but I found that it seems to be detrimental to my ability to connect to the server with ssh. When I connect to the server and run it, debugging the code, ...
崔自渊's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup FISH alias based on different OS or available command?

I see Define an alias in fish shell, and I know how to setup alias and/or functions, But is it possible to setup different alias target based on OS? Maybe use function? What I experience isn't ...
Zenuncl's user avatar
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Why does the or operator in fish seem to not work

function shapeshift argparse 'h/help' -- $argv if not set -q argv[1] $argv or if set -q _flag_help echo "Shapeshift lets you change into another root system." echo "...
Matthias Schuster's user avatar
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Git stash: How to stash tracked files into a single stash via script?

I often do something like git add/checkout/stash -- (find -name "*.extension"). For example, to revert all text files or all images. It works fine with add and checkout. When using add, ...
porky11's user avatar
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Error: fish: ${ is not a valid variable in fish

So I'm trying to run this command to turn files into a .chd file: for i in *.cue; do chdman createcd -i "$i" -o "${i%.*}.chd"; done But I get this error: fish: ${ is not a valid ...
h8uthemost's user avatar
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Fish Abbreviation to Run Heredocs in Bash

I am trying to write an abbreviation that will do the following: if there is << in the whole buffer somewhere, it will enclose it with bash -c "<the-buffer>" So, If I run tee $...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
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Fish Shell Default PATH

I have a 2023 MacBook Pro that I use to run many python scripts from the terminal using Fish. I use the home-brew python3 installation to avoid messing with my system install, but I am having issues ...
samcns's user avatar
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Get previous command in Fish shell

Is there a way to get the previous command (with its parameters) in Fish shell? I.e. not its exit code/status but the actual command given. My use case is that I'd like to know the previous command in ...
MJV's user avatar
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Add `where:` field to fish_history?

Fish history search (ctrl+R) currently only displays time and commands. I think it would be useful to add a "- where: {path when executing the command}" field here. - cmd: cat -n ~/.local/...
moriaki's user avatar
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How to load a .env file's environment variables into both Bash and Fish shells on startup?

I want to have a .env file with a bunch of name-value pairs, like: VAR1=xxx VAR2=yyy # sample C include dir use case INCLUDE_DIR=/etc/include/xxx I want these variables to be available in both bash ...
HumpbackWhale194's user avatar

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