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Prompt Gets Truncated Instead of Wrapping When Terminal Window Is Small Using Starship, Fish Shell and Terminator [closed]

When I resize my terminal window to be smaller, the prompt gets truncated with an ellipsis (...) instead of wrapping onto the next line. However, prompts that were already displayed before resizing ...
Udar's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Using std::weak_ordering (with starship operator) for the first time, would this work?

I'm practicing using std::weak_ordering (along with starship operators) for the first time (assume all the getters and function calls here work), and what I'm trying to create here is a function that ...
Cevapi Man69's user avatar
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Starship (bash) in .devcontainer: if-statement returns 'unexpected end of file' [duplicate]

Inside my devcontainer I use a docker-compose.yaml to bind /home/vscode/.bashrc with a volume to my workspace file .bashrc: volumes: - ../:/workspaces:cached - ../.bashrc:/home/vscode/.bashrc I ...
boraas's user avatar
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Where is the setting to remove the name of the venv from VS Code's terminal prompt?

Whenever I'm accessing a venv from the VS Code terminal, VS Code adds the name of the venv to the beginning of each prompt, which I've highlighted here: The issue here is that I use Starship, which ...
chrisware's user avatar
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Warp terminal emulator not displaying starship prompt colors correctly

I have recently moved from iTerm2 to Warp. However, when I set up starship the colors of the nerd font icons that make up the prompt "blend" into each other. This doesn't happen on iTerm. (I'...
Kieran Mang's user avatar
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zmk-config git branch is head for new cargo projects in non-parent directory

Problem: I have a zmk-config dir in ~/zmk-config, which is also a git repo. This repo seems to be the head of every new git repo I create, even in different/non-child dirs. Ex: ~ -> pwd /Users/...
james-myles's user avatar
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Virtual environment name echoed in VSCode terminal with Starship

I am using VSCode on a Mac with zsh. I recently installed Starship and really like the look in my terminal. However, when activating a virtual environment, such as with pipenv, the terminal echos the ...
mentoc3000's user avatar
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How to show the background color of a text in

On VSCode it's like this: On it's like this: Any way to fix it? The starship preset is from here by the way:
C.Tale's user avatar
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Inconsistent prompt spacing in VS Code terminal using Powershell and Starship

I'm having an issue with the appearance of my terminal prompt in VS Code when using Powershell in combination with Starship. The same configuration yields different visual outputs between the native ...
Robin Reiners's user avatar
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icons displayed as chinese characters in starship

i am expericing a very bizarre thing that has never occured before: one of the icons in the starship prompts is displayed as Chinese. i have checked my locale settings and everything is correct. i ...
Arthur Zhang's user avatar
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How to remove newline with Starship?

I want to have a very minimalistic prompt in my kitty terminal emulator (kitty 0.28.1 created by Kovid Goyal). I am having trouble to remove a newline in my starship prompt. Here a picture for ...
Eldinur the Kolibri's user avatar
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How to start ssh with wt.exe and keep terminal colors

I have this shortcut C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe --window 0 -p "Windows Powershell" C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe -noExit -Command "ssh webdev&...
Daviid's user avatar
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Starship prompt: conditional directory color based on path prefix

Using the starship prompt, how would I conditionally set the [directory] color based on path prefix? I was able to achieve it in classic bash prompt, and would like to replicate it with starship. It ...
paime's user avatar
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