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Data getting corrupted on Upload in Azure Blob

I have some files in Azure Blob and after processing the blobs, I am moving the files to another container. The file I am getting in the destination folder is junk. What I am doing wrong? The source ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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tar and zip folder in linux using java program [closed]

I want to write a java program which will tar and zip folder in linux machine. currently we are doing manually in linux and I want it to automate using java program. currently we are doing in terminal ...
Rakesh Bhagat's user avatar
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How to read gzip file download from an API

I`m trying to download a file from an API that give me sales of a client. But I dont know how to do it. url = URI("{MYCODE}/conciliation-file/...
Diogo Amaral's user avatar
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How to efficiently parse a large gzipped JSON file with ijson without encountering "trailing garbage" errors?

I am working with a large gzipped JSON file containing review data, formatted as a list of JSON objects. Each object is separated by a newline character. My goal is to efficiently extract the ...
chebz's user avatar
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Getting from Gitlab the exact same archive I get from using "git archive"

I'm in my project's directory and have checked out tag 1.0. I've pushed this tag to Gitlab and made a release from that tag. I want to be able to do git archive --format=tgz --prefix myproject-1.0/ ...
Frotz's user avatar
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C/C++socket construction HTTPS gzip request, response message 'inflate ERROR: ZDATA_RROR' during decompression process

C/C++socket construction HTTPS gzip request, response message 'inflate ERROR: ZDATA_RROR' during decompression process why The message returned by the server is abnormal, and some websites request to ...
蟑螂恶霸's user avatar
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Reading GZip compressed file from Azure blob and read line by line

I have a gzip file as a blob in my Azure storage. The file contains multiple lines. I need to read it line by line and process it. I can get it to write on a local text file as unencrypted. But I do ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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AWS Amplify react app deployment - not serving gzip or brotli for js file

Having a problem to serve gzip or brotli version of the main js asset, the full size js is always downloaded in the browser My project is made with create-react-app, compress-create-react-app package ...
Tanyusha's user avatar
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Gzip filter performance issue

I am upgrading Spring 5.3.34 version to Spring 6.1.10. I upgraded the application successfully, but only problem is when I used a custom compression filter to gzip the response, it is taking more time....
lakshmi's user avatar
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Python gzip decompression failing [closed]

I tried using Python v3.12 gzip package with the following code snippet and I am getting running into errors. Code snippet I tried: with'/tmp/' + object_name + '.gz', 'rb') as f: ...
user182944's user avatar
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How do web browsers decide Accept-Encoding request header?

OK, I have two different web servers serving the same html content. When I look at the developer console of the browser, I see Accept-Encoding request header is different for each, "gzip, deflate&...
mrdolichenus's user avatar
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Python: import module from gzip file

I have Python module 'common_types' in file: /path/ I want to import it in my script: import common_types I tried: importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("common_types", ...
Brad Leibovic's user avatar
2 votes
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Extracting files from a .tar.gz while keeping them gzipped

We have a pipeline that produces millions of .tar.gz files, each with one text file in them. We need to deliver the text files (gzipped, but not tarred). I know I can easily pipeline the output via ...
kojiro's user avatar
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Trying to access a .gz file inside a .zip file through Python

I have a .zip file with a large amount of .gz files, which I need to process. I want to open the .zip, which I can easily do through this code: zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "r")...
txg's user avatar
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libz does not extract entire gzip file

This (1.4M) can be decompressed with gzip no problem with say gzip --stdout --decompress ./archiveteam_blip_20150813160102.cdx.gz It decompresses to 61400 lines of text. However, with this code based ...
Jack M's user avatar
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