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Reading GZip compressed file from Azure blob and read line by line

I have a gzip file as a blob in my Azure storage. The file contains multiple lines. I need to read it line by line and process it. I can get it to write on a local text file as unencrypted. But I do ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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C# reading gunzipped 2D array slowly while using BinaryReader

I am writing a binary file that has header information, and then a 2D array: using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) using (GZipStream gzipStream = ...
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
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Get hashcode of a svgfile inside a zip

I have a zip archive containing svg files, I need to get the hash of the content of the svg files and store them so on next execution I can check if the file has been modified or not. My problem is ...
Vali Moldovan's user avatar
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Using .Net/RestSharp/Polly how do I get serialized body content before calling execute on the RestClient

I’m developing a application targeting .Net Framework 4.8 using RestSharp and Polly and I trying to gzip the request that is being sent. My understanding is if I can get hold of the serialized ...
Lyra Leo's user avatar
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GZipStream does not unzip csv file correctly

For some reason, the file is unzipped incorrectly, the output is a 1KB file, inside there is 1 line of the original file. The archived file is downloaded from here:
Ruslan_Uterly's user avatar
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How to Compress the WCF service response using GZIP in c#?

There is a new requirement where I need to Compress the WCF service response in GZIP format and send it to partner systems in C#. How can I achieve this ? I have tried adding the configurations in web....
ADesai's user avatar
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ZipArchive vs GZipStream

When we create a ZipArchive from a memory stream we can check the result for number of entries. Can we do the same for a GZipStream, to know the number of entries ? For example: using var ...
Jawahar's user avatar
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Decompress the Gzip json data in .Net Controller

I'm currently trying to decompress the json data that being passed in from the server side in the controller but keep hitting below error. System.IO.InvalidDataException: 'The archive entry was ...
Anis Fatin Nabila Binti Ardhi's user avatar
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Convert file to Gzip memory stream, then convert that to Base64 before exporting to text file (or var)

How do I change the below so i can use the Gzip data with [System.Convert]::ToBase64String() instead of an outfile then send THAT output(the b64) to an outfile **I Received these answers from help on ...
PlayLORD-SysOp's user avatar
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Add compression to B64 conversion for powershell. The conversion works fine I'm not sure how to approach adding gzip or similar compression

I can convert files to B64 then back again, i would like to compress the data before converting to B64. Gzip doesnt have to be used, any type of compression or size reduction is fine, I think ...
PlayLORD-SysOp's user avatar
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Failing GZIPInputStream

My Java app writes out a gzip compressed object to a file using try-with resources statement. The object is a very basic with a couple of primitive fields and an ArrayList of Integers. It has no ...
Obsyd's user avatar
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How to extract oscdimg.exe from ADK CAB-file?

I have a project where I need to download the oscdimg.exe tool from the Windows 11 ASK. For this I have written this small PS-code which is doing the job, but it still uses the filesystem to store the ...
Carsten's user avatar
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Read from a compressing GZipStream

I'm exploring how to implement an HTTP server in C#. (And before you ask, I know there is Kestrel (and nothing else that isn't obsolete), and I want a much, much smaller application.) So, the response ...
ygoe's user avatar
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How to improve speed on a Razor page with expire headers and Gzip compression?

When testing my website on I get a warning that I should compress components with Gzip and also that I should add expires headers. I have set Common headers in IIS to 7 days, but ...
Bjørn Hellesylt's user avatar
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Read and edit the contents of a gzip file?

I am trying to read and edit a file within a gzip file. I can do this with .zip files, but I get an error when trying to read the .gzip file. Search results so far only talk about compressing or ...
Amerigo's user avatar

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