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Static assert failure while using boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor()

I have a large compressed file that I have to read and periodically need to change the position in the file when reading, that's why I want to make it seekable. I have two versions to declare the ...
Hayk's user avatar
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How to re-inititate read after reaching EOF during stream decompression with Boost:iostreams?

I am trying to realize a streaming de-compressor with Boost:iostreams that could work with incomplete compressed files (the size of the uncompressed file is known before the decompression starts). ...
TheNoobEternal's user avatar
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Is there way to block uncompress a compressed file using zip, gzip or zlib?

I want to give some sort of an 'offset' where the zlib will start its decompression from at init, I have control over how file is compressed. My question is, is there any block or boundary concepts in ...
Anton Fernando's user avatar
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Writing a compressed buffer to a gzip compatible file

I would like to compress a bunch of data in a buffer and write to a file such that it is gzip compatible. The reason for doing this is that I have multiple threads that can be compressing their own ...
Raghavendra P's user avatar
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Problems decompressing gzip

I'm trying to use a gzip c++ library to decompress some text that i compressed using this website that had a tool to do it, but when i try to decompress it in my project it says that its not ...
bobjafari555's user avatar
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python equivalent of C++ z_stream inflate

I am trying to decompress a .gz file that comes from a material board with custom headers using python. I have as example a C++ file that decompress that file using the inflateInit2 function from the ...
Kevin Heirich's user avatar
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Boost gzip filter Segmentation fault (core dumped) error

Using the boost library, I was trying to read the gzip file. but i faced the Segmentation fault error. may i know what the problem is? boost/1.79.0 Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS #include <boost/filesystem....
mm.'s user avatar
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Speeding up boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf

I am new to the C++ concept of streams and want to ask for some general advice to speed up my code in image processing. I use a stream buffer boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf to load and ...
Yunlong Lian's user avatar
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Failed to unarchive file which compressed by c++ zlib.h

Compress string (i tried to compress file but it didnt help) and save compress data to file: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <zlib.h> int main() { char a[50] = &...
Vlad's user avatar
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How to decompress gzip stream

I would like to send data over a network which is gzip compressed. The data is sent in chunks from a C# server which compresses it using a stream compressor before it sends. I would like the C++ ...
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zlib gzread does not decompress entire file

I'm trying to write a function that can decompress a gzip-compressed file with zlib. The file I am trying to decompress is 294 bytes compressed, and I am able to decompress it with 7zip to give me a ...
Bob Sinker's user avatar
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How to handle gzip-compressed responses with the gsoap logging plugin; alternately, how to turn off compression completely

UPDATE I have resolved the issue, at least to my satisfaction. I was using a window size of -15 in inflateInit2, based on other examples I had seen, but this was obviously not correct. Based on a ...
John Bode's user avatar
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Boost gzip how to output compressed string as text

I'm using boost gzip example code here. I am attempting to compress a simple string test and am expecting the compressed string H4sIAAAAAAAACitJLS4BAAx+f9gEAAAA as shown in this online compressor ...
Tom's user avatar
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How are gzip content stored in a file? [duplicate]

I am able to compress certain content with "gzip" format and store it in a file. This content can be decompressed programatically within my code. But I can't "gunzip" them using ...
iammilind's user avatar
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How to decompress gzip containing multiple files?

Is there an option, using zlib or boost, to unpack a gzip archive containing several files? All options which I figured out were for 1 single file in archive. I know about minizip, quazip and other ...
AlexSmth's user avatar

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