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How do I batch-simplify (one after the other) paths of a collection of (very large) SVG files, preferably with a command-line tool on UNIX?

I have perhaps two thousand SVG files, obtained as a result of scanning a number of brochures to greyscale JPG, then batch-binarising them and saving to monochrome TIFF using ScanTailor, then batch-...
user229543's user avatar
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ImageMagick: Zoom SVG and convert it to PNG?

I have the following 8×8 SVG graphic for which I want a scaled version of as PNG. (I found no way to upload SVG so you can see it.) The SVG consist of 8×8 black/white "pixels". <?xml ...
emacs drives me nuts's user avatar
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Images.png Manipulation to SVG in C#

iam using Imagemagick & potrace in c# to convert png to pnm and then to svg but unfortunately the SVG File comes with out colour! how i can solve the colour problem? should i use another converter?...
Sam's user avatar
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Not correct conversion svg->png using php code

My svg file (m.svg) I got some variants of svg->png conversation. First variant of png (right version): Second variant of png: Third variant of png: First variant of png was made by convert ...
Alexander Vachenko's user avatar
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Batch command for ImageMagick to crop width of all files in a directory

I have hundreds of images in a folder of size 1920x~100,000. I need to cut out the middle 900p of every file leaving the height unaffected. how do I pass each file to this command? magick convert ...
guppiegreenf35's user avatar
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How to convert PNG/JPEG images to svg with ImageMagick?

It seems that with potrace installed, I can just run magick convert x.png x.svg or magick convert x.jpg x.svg.However this just returns a deformed image in black and white, and I need the svg image to ...
Adi B.'s user avatar
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Imagick create svg file without includin external image

I need to programmatically create some svg and I need to put inside it some avatars. $usmap = ''; $im = new \Imagick(); $svg = ...
Shyghar's user avatar
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Converting from svg to gif with ImageMagick do not preserve blurring

When I run convert -delay 100 img.svg img.gif, blurring is not preserved (see below). How can I get a gif with the same appearance as the original image? Original image (left) and output (right)
Oswaldo Santos Baquero's user avatar
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Why is ImageMagick treating SVG differently when piped in?

I have a file q.svg which is transparent (at least at the top left). Here's a command and its result: $ convert -verbose -background "#ffffff00" q.svg -depth 8 RGBA:- | ruby -e '$stdin.binmode;p $...
TPReal's user avatar
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Imagemagick ignoring textlength style applied to text element in SVG while converting to PNG

I am facing a problem with font style being not applied as defined in SVG. Note that I am using inkscape to create SVG file. I am using imagemagick however that doesn't play nicely or it does not ...
Krunal's user avatar
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How to generate proper PNG file having same font as in Source (SVG) file using Image Magick?

I have an svg file having image tag (url based source image) along with 2 text tags. Supporting fonts (Impact) are already linked within svg file using import attribute. Svg is previewed properly on ...
Mukesh Jain's user avatar
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ImageMagick: non-conforming drawing primitive definition `px'

I'm a beginner at using ImageMagick. I have a simple svg image from the file system, and I want to convert it to png file, so I ran: $ convert -resize 100% ~/image.svg ~/image.png And the error is: ...
Jasper Martin's user avatar
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How can I binarize an SVG without grays into PNG

Well, I am converting an SVG with ImageMagick and the output always has grays because when I binarize the image always aren't black and white completely translated. Sorry, I explained worst ever... I'...
Puffy's user avatar
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How to convert a folder with SVG files to PNG with inkscape linux?

I have in my image folders in my WordPress installation a few thousands of SVG files and I would like to convert all images now to PNG to display them instead of the SVG file on my website. I would ...
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svg renders differently in browser and imagemagick (using rsvg convert)

I am using imagemagick with rsvg-convert to convert svgs into jpegs. Everything works fine except when using gamma function to color correct images. It produces very different image than the one in ...
Wdy Dev's user avatar
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