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InterruptedException: How does Thread#sleep Know

As far as I understand it when someone calls interrupt on a thread it just sets a status flag on the thread. it is responsibility of interrupted Thread to handle the interrupt by periodically by ...
Ebenezer Rahul's user avatar
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What happens when meet an exception?

I'm studying the part of kvm in linux and it seems that when the we meet an exception during kvm_run, the program will stuck in endless loop to deal with the execption. For example, when I let kvm run ...
C CHI's user avatar
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Can't handle InterruptedException in onException routes

I'm trying to handle InterruptedException which I generate in my route. onException(InterruptedException.class) .log("log InterruptedException") .handled(true)...
Lena Leontieva's user avatar
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Can anything external to the JVM interrupt Process.waitFor()?

I've been using roughly the same utility code to handle executing an external Process for at least a decade. Recently a customer hit a case where the following ~code was interrupted: try { int ...
Bobby's user avatar
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Error from Youtube API Data V3 is interrupting my script even after using Try and Except

I'm trying to get comments from all videos from a channel using Youtube's API specifically: Youtube API Data V3. I'm getting an error which occurs when comments are disabled on a video and I'm trying ...
FrancisLehner's user avatar
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InterruptedException occurred when using Vertx's executeBlocking with JDK ExecutorCompletionService starting from Vertx v4.3.0

While upgrading vertx version from 4.2.7 to 4.3.0, we are seeing InterruptedException is being thrown wherever we have used Vertx executeBlocking with JDK ExecutorCompletionService. This issue is ...
Hemant Kumar Jena's user avatar
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Interrupting thread with GUI button in any place of code

Lately I was working on my code which automated many tasks, for example finding path to certain target (by A* algorithm) and moving accordingly through all found nodes in 2D map. I was trying to ...
Thorvas's user avatar
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Cortex M4 stacking and unstacking with a diferent stack pointer

It is possible to achieve this in a cortex-m4? What i mean is having PSP only on that intervals, and all the rest MSP when there is an interrupt? The objective is just to do the stacking and ...
AB3's user avatar
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interrupt() on Thread does not necessarily throw InterruptedExeption when join() is called

I have a main class which starts another thread like: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { var worker = new Worker(Thread.currentThread()); worker.start(); ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Correct Handling of `InterruptedExceptions` in Java

So, I am having an issue where Sonar Qube is flagging my code due to improper handling of InterruptedExceptions. The exact Sonar Qube error is java:S2142, and can be found here:
Harry Geoffrey Trebing's user avatar
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How does Thread.interrupt affect ArrayBlockingQueue::put in Java?

I am using a ArrayBlockingQueue to transport work items from a Supplier to multiple workers. I am also using Thread.interrupt to signal the Supplier to stop supplying new work items. However, my ...
alex berne's user avatar
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InterruptedException Issue on Sonar while getting data from CompletableFuture

Here inside the for loop I'm trying to get the value from stringCompletableFutureEntry which throws the InterruptedException and with sonar enabled on this, I am supposed to interrupt the thread when ...
Shailja's user avatar
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Design: Would it not make more sense to construct a Thread with something that can throw an InterruptedException?

I'm wondering what might have been the reason Java Thread's doesn't accept a Runnable that allows throwing of InterruptedException. If instead an InterruptableRunnable was accepted, it would simplify ...
john16384's user avatar
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Tomcat Jdbc v 8.5 failing with InterruptedException when testOnBorrow is true during Chaos Testing

I am creating a lag of 1.5 sec with chaos monkey to simulate a network delay. The test has 100 parallel users continuously calling an end-point which requires Database access. During the testing I see ...
Kumar's user avatar
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InterruptedException: Is Thread.currentThread().interrupt() necessary as the interrupted flag is set

We all know that when catching an interruptedexception we are supposed to Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); However, from my tests, that flag is already set. Thread t = new Thread(() -> { ...
Shivani S's user avatar

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