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Multi object tracking using CV2

I have some code in which you input a video, and then use background subtraction via cv2 to produce contours over a certain threshold, drawing a bounding box over them. On its own this acts simply to ...
jcat's user avatar
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Selecting ROI on video and tracking movement in the selected area. OpenCV\Python

I ran into an error. I need to track motion in a specific area of a video. But when I try to crop a frame using ROI or a rectangle, Python throws the following error: Traceback (most recent call last)...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Python - opencv - motion detection - extract contour result to file or function

I have OpenCV motion tracking working, but I'd like Python to extract an image of whatever is inside the contours on motion detection for use within the program or as an image write.  Code so far: ...
Robert Lyons's user avatar
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I am unable to download cv2, for whatever reason it does not work

from collections import deque from import VideoStream import numpy as np import argparse import cv2 import imutils import time ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-v", "--...
krivinus's user avatar
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Effective motion detection with OpenCV with stream received from IP Camera

I have two questions which I was struggling finding answers on the net for more than a week. I'm writing a Windows service on Visual C++ 2017 which connects to Axis IP Cameras on our network and ...
Ozan Yasin Dogan's user avatar
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Motion Tracker is detecting entirety of screen

I'm trying to get basic motion tracking working to be later used in an raspberrypi/arduino project. I don't know very much python yet but I can wrap my head around the logic of whats going on pretty ...
Aspen's user avatar
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Assign max values to both connected shapes - opencv

I have a motion tracking project and achieved a detection stage as of now. For tracking, im thinking to assign old blob (labelled blobs) value to overlapped ones on next frame (get new place of ...
krayyem's user avatar
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opencv C++ - Shapes processing and tracking

I need to track moving shapes in opencv. Until now I am able to draw the countours around the moving shapes: cv::Mat lastFrame, maskFrame; std::vector <std::vector <cv::Point>> contours; ...
szlak's user avatar
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Ball speed measuring with OpenCV in Python

I need to measure the ball speed of a ping pong ball when it is shot out of a ping pong ball shoot machine. We decided to measure its speed with video motion tracking. With Python and OpenCV we got ...
Oxcraft's user avatar
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Opencv Optical flow tracking: stop condition

I'm currently trying to implement a face tracking by using optical flow with opencv. To achieve this, I detect faces with the openCV face detector, I determine features to track on the detected areas ...
Simon Ninon's user avatar
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Mapping frames based on motion

I need to create 3 intermediate frames between two frames (prevImg, nextImg), I have found out the motion of each pixel using calcOpticalFlowFarneback() function in opencv calcOpticalFlowFarneback(...
Deepak's user avatar
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OpenCV cpp motion detection

I'm trying to figure out how motion detection work in opencv. I can see there the video analysis reference but I don't find enough information about how this is used. I've also seen some people ...
maco1717's user avatar
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Java - Motion / Object detection (Human detection) using OpenCV

I got the video stream from cctv camera using opencv. Now I want to detect a simple motion / object from this video stream. For example, if any person come in any selected zone then rectangular border ...
Tushar Kulkarni's user avatar
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Motion History Image (MHI) in Matlab

My project is to detect human activity through stored video clips. I am successfully able to do the following: Get the Motion History Image (MHI) from a video using OpenCV Train and classify the set ...
Amey Kelkar's user avatar
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Opencv and jmf Together

I've programmed server side and client side to receive a video stream from a webcam in java . This is What I'm using in the client side : public void update (ReceiveStreamEvent event) { ...
abed benamar's user avatar

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