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How to Perspective Transform Image Using Corner Coordinates In Flutter

I need to Perspective Transform (using corner coordinates) document image in my flutter app. See Example Here: 4 Point Image Perspective Transform I have already tried implementing OpenCV C++ Library ...
Haroon Amjad's user avatar
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Im not able to create a 3d cube in css with transform method

I am trying to make a 3d cube on top of a surface using CSS and HTML. There is a ball on the top of it. I tried to use transform: translateZ() method on the front , bottom , left and right div. It did ...
Starter's user avatar
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Im unable to use perspective-origin in css

i have tried to change perspective origin and its not working . Can someone explain that why it is not working or if it is working , what am i doing or understanding wrong. I have shown the html and ...
adas didas's user avatar
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iOS Swift - How to do 360 degree flip animation using CABasicAnimation and CATransform3DRotate with "m34" transform?

Despite all my best efforts, I can't figure out how to do a full cycle rotation animation of a UIView using CATransform3DRotate from left to right. Kindly note that I can already rotate it 360 degree ...
programmer's user avatar
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low quality image with cv2.warperspective

I am working with the perspective transformation using opencv on python. So I have found the homography matrix between two sets of points using SIFT detector. For now, I would like to transform an ...
Yew's user avatar
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ImageMagick distort with increase virtual canvas

Using ImageMagick (convert) I'm trying to create a distortion of an image that results in an image larger than the original, but only contains a subset of the original. However, when I perform the ...
Lee Sylvester's user avatar
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How to choose dst coordinates for cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)

I have been searching around for quite a while, but still could not understand how destination points are chosen for bird eye view transformation. My understanding is that cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(...
Albert G Lieu's user avatar
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Java EE perspective in STS(Spring Tool Suite)

I'm using Spring Tool Suite(STS) and to run Java Servlets on Tomcat Server through STS I need Java EE perspective. But for me in list of perspectives in STS there is no Java EE perspective. How do I ...
Prateek Gupta's user avatar
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opencv reverse perspective transformation?

I start with the following image: Using opencv I rotate 45° about the Y axis to get the following: If I tried a little harder I could get it not to be cropped in the foreground. Now my question: does ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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CSS Scroll Perspective on Nested Elements

The following code produces a perspective effect that changes the angle you are looking at the element, as you scroll: <div class="parent"> <div class="box"/> <...
David's user avatar
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CGPoint on quadrilateral plotted on converted rectangle

I can't figure out how to do this (i think my math skills are not that great after all..). I have an array of 4 CGPoint objects (A B C D), which is a quadrilateral. On that quadrilateral I have point ...
Oritm's user avatar
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How to clip an inline SVG *after* it has been transformed with perspective?

In the code below the buttons are not viewable and so not clickable but they are without the transform. The transformed SVG elements spills over where the buttons are. I've tried changing the z-...
S Meaden's user avatar
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What is the difference between cv2.warpPerspective and cv2.PerspectiveTransform?

According to their description, both of them takes the matrix of transformation and apply it to the images. Can you please explain the difference? In which cases should I use one or another?
Nourless's user avatar
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css3 perspective with smooth text

my problem is quite simple actually. i have 3d-container with text in it, like this: .container{ transform: perspective(120px) rotateY(45deg); } <div class="container"> Lorem ipsum ...
Mustafa AHCI's user avatar
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Correcting a perspective of an image based on a reference

I don't want a code, I want a tip, methodology or reference to develop it. I'm making measurement of objects based on a reference. But sometimes the photographic angle underestimates or overestimates ...
Curious G.'s user avatar

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