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Questions tagged [collaboration]

14 votes
5 answers

My team is not responsive to group messages and other group initiatives. What should be the appropriate solution?

So I am a business owner, a managing director of a small company made up of about 5 members. It's small, so I'd imagine communication wouldn't be so much of an issue but it seems that even with a ...
Fargone's user avatar
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-6 votes
3 answers

What should be the limit of someone's incompetence? [closed]

I joined a new team as a software engineer. I am helping fixing security vulnerabilities on these existing applications. The owner of these application has been working on them for many years but I ...
Oscar's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Dealing with an incompetent colleague on a project

I'll try to keep the introduction very brief and elaborate further down. I work as a senior cloud engineer and our boss manages 4-5 teams of 3-6 people. My colleague - also a senior cloud engineer - ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
34 votes
15 answers

Handling a perceived over-reaction to a bug introduced by my team

Background I run my company's central data team. Other teams depend on the output of our daily refresh pipeline which includes jobs that both my team has written (such as building our core orders and ...
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13 votes
4 answers

Giving credit to a colleague in a presentation that I was selected for

I recently gave a presentation with all the people within my department to several managers (mid-way up my org.) After that I was emailed, along with a select few, to repeat this presentation, in ...
Diode's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Can i ban technical scope extension as a tech lead [closed]

I am tech lead of a team with decided architecture and an action plan for development divided in different phases. One of the developers, a very vocal one, wants to pick a task from one of the later ...
Pesho's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to improve team collaboration in different time zone?

Recently, I started a new job where team collaboration seems difficult. Several of our business team members work in a different time zone that differs by ten hours. The only time I can get in touch ...
Deep's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How do you foster collaboration between foundation/service and product engineering teams?

Recently joined a company where the engineering teams are broken down by foundation teams and product engineering teams. The charter for the foundation team is to build products that are reusable by ...
DLS's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to deal with a resisting collegue as a newcomer

I just started a new job. One colleague is supposed to help me with the onboarding, but from the first encounter, he seems very resistant. He never replies to kind words like "Thank you" and ...
shamounaf oubakou's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to get co-workers to put in fair contribution to project?

I work as a public school teacher. My principal requires all teachers to join one committee. Each committee has unique responsibilities, for instance, the "Party Planning Committee" plans ...
Village's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Team won't come out of their shell (possible team-wide imposter syndrome?)

I have a team-wide performance problem on the team I inherited about a year ago. No matter their title, the senior+ engineers on my team perform at the level of a junior engineer (objectively, ...
Drudge's user avatar
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40 votes
9 answers

Politely saying no to other departments despite historic expectations?

My highly technical department has historically had a problem of catering to every whim of everyone else in the company. If someone comes to my department and asks for a technical solution, they have ...
kqr's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What are some good questions for gauging what various software teams are like to work with? [duplicate]

I'm interviewing for software engineering positions for multiple different teams at a single large tech company, where cultures can be quite different among teams. In these interviews, what would be ...
Curious's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Is it an efficient strategy to deploy collaborative tools like Office 365 only to a subset of employees? [closed]

I work for an industrial company with a lot of business done in back-office (including design, engineering, R&D). The company has decided (and confirmed its decision multiple times) to have a very ...
Romain Reboulleau's user avatar
0 votes
8 answers

How can I politely ask my PM to stop calling me unexpectedly?

I am a software engineer. Sometimes, the project manager in my team will randomly call me out of nowhere on our communication software, without asking first if it's ok to interrupt me. They usually ...
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