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Questions tagged [collaboration]

19 votes
7 answers

My manager refuses to accept or learn new technologies

Here is a little background: my manager has been with this company for more than ten years. It seems like he's learned very little in the time he's been here and does things the way they've always ...
Helena's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

How to deal with a co-worker who assumes "unofficial" ownership of a project?

I am assigned to work with a co-worker on a project. Before we even start, he is saying exactly every single way we should do every feature. Neither of us are assigned as the "product owner". Often ...
Crow's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

What is this phenomenon in a company when it's difficult to find important knowledge?

I was told by colleague A that a database table would be helpful to me, but a field name and its comment in it were not that self-explanatory and detailed and I cannot get to know how the values of ...
Lerner's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

Newly promoted software architect wants to do code reviews of code in progress

I work as a software engineer with a team of 12 others. We recently had a Sr dev get promoted to architect. He recently got a talking to by the software director for being unprofessional, aggressive, ...
programmer's user avatar