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Questions tagged [cartoon]

An animated cartoon is a short, hand-drawn (or made with computers to look similar to something hand-drawn) film for the cinema, television or computer screen, featuring some kind of story or plot. This is distinct from the terms "animation" and "animated film," as not all follow this definition. Use to either identify the media on a [story-identification] question or disambiguate works where the tag covers the cartoon and its form in other media.

155 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Animated short about fat man eating everything in sight, including Earth

I'm looking for the name of an animated short seen on HBO or Showtime in the early 1980s. My parents had it recorded on VHS, and it may have been part of a larger film. The animation style was similar ...
Omegacron's user avatar
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Old Chicago-based cartoon short from the 60's

I remember a silent cartoon short featuring two young alien children. Martians, I think. In the cartoon they interact just as my sister & I would, up before our folks watching TV on a Saturday ...
Bob's user avatar
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2000's cartoon where a six-fingered pianist gets his extra finger(s?) removed for the girl he likes

This question being recently brought back from the dead triggered a memory of sorts, and I'd like to put a name to it. General info: Saw this on a French TV channel, somewhere between 2005 and 2010. ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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Animated film or maybe anime? from 1980 (probably)

I've glimpsed a part of it in my childhood, and it still bugs be that I cannot find what it was. Here's what I remember, only some pictures, no plot: Some planet, most likely Earth. There are large ...
Cavaler's user avatar
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Cartoon with sentient trees and an environmental message

I think watched this cartoon in the 1950s or 1960s in Chicago. Beautifully rendered art. I don't recall if there was spoken dialogue. It was about a tree couple - a big male tree (oak?) and a smaller ...
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Cartoon episode aired in the eighties featuring underwater dry land and a suspended water ceiling sustained by volcanoes

I remember watching a certain US cartoon episode in the middle eighties in Brazil as a kid. Possibly a Godzilla, Sealab 2020, Johnny Quest or similar Hanna-Barbera cartoon featuring ocean waters. As ...
Piovezan's user avatar
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What is the name of this movie

Kids movie from early 2000s, was quite bad animation ( similar to Happily N’ever after 2006) Original language was English, watched it in the UK Definitely involved some type of ostrich racing or ...
Anni's user avatar
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Looking for an 80's-90's cartoon with a shapeshifter

This might be a little difficult to locate, because I only remember one specific scene. It's a pretty memorable scene, though, so maybe someone can help me. Basically, there's this small ...
HiddenWindshield's user avatar
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Philip is MIA (old, trippy, scifi cartoon)

I am in search of an animated movie/cartoon that is very VERY old. I don't remember much, but I am sure about some aspects of the movie that might help. I watched it when I was very young which was ...
bbz's user avatar
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Cartoon where two young men went on an adventure with some sort of talking animal sidekick looking for a jewel or amulet

I have a distinct memory from my kindergarten class in 1996 in which we watched an animated movie with Native Americans. It was two young men who went on an adventure with some sort of talking animal ...
user104638's user avatar
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Sci-Fi cartoon including flowers with rejuvenation powers

I don't remember it very well, but there was a science-fiction cartoon from around the time period of 2009-2013 and it was about some weird flowers (I think from another planet, not sure) that had ...
Until The Ink Runs Out's user avatar
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Cartoon about the benefits/dangers of nuclear energy

I watched this color cartoon back in school prior to 1995 in the USA, but I'm not sure how old it actually is. The only scene I remember is a nuclear family (pardon the pun) seen from the rear. The ...
miltonaut's user avatar
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Alien Invasion Cartoon Movie

I need help finding the name of a cartoon (movie) which I saw in my childhood. I only have vague memories of the movie, but the details I remember are: It is about an Alien invasion, and this human ...
linnami's user avatar
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Possibly French sci-fi cartoon about an organisation hunting down another organisation that turns out to be alien

I watched the cartoon in question around 2004-2005. It was about an organisation that was hunting down some sort of gang or criminal organisation that turns out to be alien in nature, and was ...
user148988's user avatar
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Name of anime/cartoon show where a flying robot uses parts of itself in flying patterns (alphabet letters) to upgrade itself to defeat enemies

I recall a show where a sole pilot would fly a fighter/mech(a) through various patterns under the directions of a base/station commander. I can't remember the English name for it, and don't have any ...
The Ex-President's user avatar

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