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syntax error in visual studio code "expected [css-rcurlyexpected]"

I am getting [scss] } expected [css-rcurlyexpected] error in visual code for the commented line. Does anybody know why ? @keyframes wordSlider { $steps: -0%, -25%, -50%, -75%; @for $index from 0 ...
Saurabh Kumar's user avatar
8 votes
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Transition not animating in IE9-11 when using calc

I'm trying to get IE10 to animate a change in width of an element so that it pushes another panel out of the way. I have a JSBin demonstrating the basic idea. On Chrome, it animates just fine when you ...
Turner Hayes's user avatar
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CSS animation - position to original place

I wanted to play with css animation today. So my basic idea was to create four circle then when user clicks on that circle then it should go to centre of page and then it should become other shape. ...
Nitish's user avatar
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How to directly save HTML/CSS animations to a video file (AVI)?

Without a screen recorder, Is it possible to directly export, render, or save HTML CSS animations to a video file? I'm also aware SVG within a html document could also be a part of such a process. I ...
torresjrjr's user avatar
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Why the key event causes snappy transitions?

I can't understand why two quick button clicks cause the div shown to transition slowly from its last position to the initial position (as I want) but two quick key events to make it snap to the ...
coderboy's user avatar
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CSS Animation not working properly in wow js

I have integrated the wow.js for my project and i have encountered a problem with animation. The animation class which i used to animate the div is working only if i paste the css class from animate....
Raj's user avatar
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CSS3 Animate layout change for floating divs

As you resize the window, the floating divs will wrap to the next line as expected. But I would really like this layout change to be animated. EDIT: As an aside, it would be nice to find a solution ...
Andre's user avatar
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Detect movement of HTML element caused by CSS transitions

I have a Flash element on my page, and because Flash is generally quite delicate it needs to be positioned at integer pixel values (see Flash webcam access request prompt unresponsive if you want ...
Dave's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the target calculated css property value during a css3 transition in Javascript?

Is it possible to get the target (final) calculated css property value during a css3 transition in Javascript? I found this answer: Is it possible to get the target css property value during a css3 ...
vaclav_o's user avatar
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How do I make a smooth background-color change in Tailwind on hover?

I'm trying to change the background color of an element on hover. Normally, I would use className='bg-white hover:bg-black' This changes the color instantly, but I would like to add 150ms of ...
dopecello's user avatar
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vuejs animate list items inside grid

I have generated list items inside a grid, using vuejs I am dynamically updating the content of a cell inside a grid by changing the class name. I want to change the element inside the cell using css3 ...
FarazShuja's user avatar
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Flexbox align-self property not transitioning?

I've tried creating a morphin "button", which slides on a further menu. The idea was based on Codrops Morphing Buttons Concept Now It's almost set up and there are only 2 minor things that annoy me:...
Krenor's user avatar
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Combining size and translate transitions causes stutter in Safari

When adding transitions to an element and altering the width and/or height and -webkit-transform:translate3d, the transition animation stutters. It appears to animate the width/height change first, as ...
drspaceman's user avatar
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Why does this CSS transition queue?

When I hover over the div the colour change happens on the div content before the colour change affects the span. Why is this and how can I have it so both animations happen simultaneously? The reason ...
Chris's user avatar
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Chrome text gets blurry on opacity transition

Okay, the good ol' issue with blurred text on chrome. I'm creating a CSS dropdown menu that transitions from visibility: hidden and opacity: 0 to visibility: visible and opacity: 1 and the text gets ...
Ziik's user avatar
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