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Angular app using electron and rxjs doesn't emits as it should

I am using Angular app with Rxjs and electron. I am creating subscription using merge merge(entityUpdated$, timer(1 * 1000, 10)), where I am downloading updates from BE every 10seconds or when any of ...
Loop1 Test1's user avatar
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Electron won't open window after calling `electron .`

This is using Electron with Angular 18. All the setup seems fine, as per creating a JS file to host electron, include it in package.json. What is one of the reason it don't open upon calling electron ....
Wabinab's user avatar
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Override first menu item in Electron

The first menu item in Electron app is apparently the app name, but when I try to run my application it always says "Electron", even after explicitly setting the variable in main.js....
Antariksh Pratham's user avatar
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How to keep ngx-translate translation files next to compiled electron app

I am building an Anguler-Electron App that uses ngx-translate for translation. The translation files are in the default folder assets/i18n. I want the translation files to lay in a language folder ...
Nils's user avatar
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Weird glitch with touchscreen and Angular/Electron app

I have been developing a desktop app with Angular and Electron that must be displayed in a touchscreen (an LG Oled 55" specifically) but everytime I touch the screen, it shows a glitch for a ...
batxe's user avatar
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How to Launch Notepad++ from Angular 18 Project on Button Click?

I'm working on an Angular 18 project and I need to implement a functionality where clicking a button opens Notepad++ software. I tried using the Electron package but didn't achieve the desired result. ...
Harshad Sendhav's user avatar
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Angular 14 and Electron js Outlook integration doesn't work after creadentials given

We have used @azure/msal-angular For outlook integration in our system. let result = await this.msalService .loginPopup({ scopes: [ '', 'Mail....
Henil Mehta's user avatar
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How to get node fs to work in an Angular and Electron application

" The package "fs" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this ...
Michael Vaughn's user avatar
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Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, copyfile

Electron Builder Error: EBUSY: Resource Busy or Locked During Packaging I'm encountering a persistent issue while building an Electron application using Angular 14, electron-builder, and related ...
Henil Mehta's user avatar
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Not able to fetch data from sqlite using ipcRenderer

I've started electron project using ionic. But stuck in one point where I need to fetch the data from the sqlite database. I've getting data from API and saving it to the database.sqlite is working ...
Aman Sharma's user avatar
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How to run an exe with arguments from an Electron app

I have an existing exe file (processStuff.exe) (it is written in c, in case that is relevant). From a command prompt in Windows I can run: processStuff.exe -f myDataFile This will run processStuff....
gnitsuk's user avatar
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Playwright Electron app.context() is not defined - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tracing')

I have an Electron application built with Angular where I have a small e2e test suite using Playwright. In particular, my test does: test.beforeAll(async () => { app = await electron.launch({ ...
Francesco Borzi's user avatar
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Node module Printer was compiled against a different Node.js version

I am trying to Update my angular project which is from angular version 8 to 9. I have used electron in my angular project. Currently I am updating my angular version 4.0.0 to 7.1.7 and in that process ...
Prasham Shah's user avatar
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Using IPC renderer in angular component

Im currently in the process of create an electron application using angular and hit a bit of a road block. The whole idea is that the user uses the electron app to input a "Name" and an &...
noob-on-rails's user avatar
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I converted my angular app into electron js app . How to send print on thermal printer with specific printer name from angular component

I faced problem to send a print from angular front end (web hosted) to locally connected printer without showing pop up of browser so i came to this solution that to convert my app in electron js and ...
Aryan bhavsar's user avatar

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