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389 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

How to solve this error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

I have created new angular project with electron.I do need to set up the electron. I have got below errors. ERROR in ./node_modules/electron/index.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in '...
Manoj Ghediya's user avatar
7 votes
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How to use Native Node Modules in angular running in electron

Problem description: This is not a duplicate of this Question. I'm not trying to access the electron module (I use a electron wrapper for angular to do this), I'm trying to use a npm native module in ...
MADforFUNandHappy's user avatar
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A JavaScript error occurred in the main process : Electron

I am trying to package an electron app using electron packager. After successfully packaging the app, when I open the app file, it throws the following error. Version that am using, npm - 5.4.1 node ...
Aswath Hasina's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

XSRF - how to set cross-origin cookie

I have developed REST API, and two JavaScript clients (Single Page App & native app - based on electron). In both clients my users are authenticating via OAuth2 flow: sends user-password to ...
Maciej Treder's user avatar
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How to use cookies in Electron + Angular app?

I created an Electron with Angular app based on this template (Angular 8.2, Electron 7.0). So far, I'm using ngx-cookie-service. I just want to store a few settings local, e.g. the last open view ...
zerox6655636b73's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to use remote.require() in Electron, using TypeScript

Currently, I'm trying to use the opencv4nodejs module within an Electron/Angular application that also uses TypeScript. I've tried several ways to do this. The following codeblock shows what I tried ...
Kay van Bree's user avatar
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TypeScript sees global types that aren't declared in tsconfig's "types" field

I have a project with multiple tsconfig files because I am building electron app with angular and I would like to have different config for electron code and different config for angular code. ...
hdw3's user avatar
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yarn install and build consumes 100% CPU and memory 95%

I am working on Electron, Angular 8, Nodejs based project. Whenever I use the following command, my system consumes 100% CPU utilization and 95% memory, and the system freezes for 5 to 7 minutes. I am ...
Sambit's user avatar
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How can I rebuild zeromq.js bindings for electron version 4.1.4?

In attempting to use zeromq.js in an Electron app, I found that the NODE_MODULE_VERSIONS did not appear to match: Uncaught Error: Cannot open /home/XXXX/ptt_geo/ptt-geo-fork/src/webapp/node_modules/...
stix's user avatar
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fs module fails when integrating Electron into Angular project

I have some trouble integrating Electron. When I use it as described in this blog post, everything works. Problems start when I want to use import Electron (electron.remote) to use it in Angular2 ...
Jindrich Vavruska's user avatar
4 votes
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Hot Reload Angular & Electron Application

I have a vanilla Angular 14.x application (just ng new) to which I've added Electron 19.x and electron-reload. Everything works if I run ng build --base-href ./ && electron . Now I'm trying ...
TimTheEnchanter's user avatar
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Routing in Electron/Angular with useHash: true?

I am building an Angular App inside Electron.. but I have a problem with routing to my pages - there are many questions but nothing worked for me main.js win.loadURL(url.format({ pathname: path....
Scoopex's user avatar
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Integrating Angular CLI proxy config in Electron

I'm bringing over an Angular 6 (CLI) application into Electron, and having problems figuring out how to bring over the proxy config file into the Electron world. In Angular CLI, specifying the proxy ...
Ojingo's user avatar
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2 answers

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'

I am try to convert my electron app to full web. when I am running the app from my localhost I get this error: Failed to load Response to preflight request doesn'...
user9122499's user avatar
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Angular detectChanges() disables change detection for child components

In my app I have RootLayout component that is responsible for rendering the app's routes, here's the code of that component's template: <div class="full-size inner container"> <app-...
Lhaer's user avatar
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